
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blog Book 15% Discount through 3/31/10

The reason I blog is to have a journal / history / scrapbook of my life and family. I love printing off my blog into a book. I use a company called Blog2Print.

When I started printing my blog off, I did it monthly and currently have 5 books. Last year around March I quit being on top of printing it off.  I have gotten so far behind the ball on getting them ordered - a year behind .... tisk tisk... shaking head in shame.

I've really enjoyed the books I've had printed and knew I needed to get on the ball again and print it out.
The other day I received an email from Blog2Print. They recently added a new feature. It's called "snapshot". The books I've had printed in the past were "compact". I didn't like that the book didn't "look" like my blog with a picture and then some words to explain it. I'm excited for the new "snapshot" feature to have a book look like my blog.
Snapshot is the new feature and compact is the old feature. You can still choose which on you want. Snapshot feature will use more pages and cost more money (which is worth it to me).

They are offering a 15% discount through March 31st on all new book orders. I ordered 2 books - March 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 and the other July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. I think I'll be printing out 6 months worth of books instead of monthly. The cost of both books I ordered is around $190 ... expensive but worth it to me.

The 15% discount code is: newb2p

I know there are other companies that print out a blog. However, there is a lot of editing your book in these other companies. That is too much work for my tight schedule and I feel like if I'm going to edit every page - I might as well scrapbook it. Blog2Print there is no editing the pages and it's quick and easy to get a book.

Technology is great and I love this way of keeping a history of my life and family. I wanted to pass on the coupon if you are interested in printing off a book - now is the time.


  1. And I have YOU to thank for turning me onto this site. It was so great to be able to do this last July.
    Totally love mine. I decided to do it once a year and do it hardbound. I'm glad to know of the new format because that's what I'll do next time.
    Love the cover of the one with your house on it.

  2. Ohhh, I'll have to think about it. Really, I wanted to do this in January, but I haven't finished the Christmas stuff yet. Hmmm, too bad I'll be paying for a surgery this month too.

  3. I have thought about doing it with mine, but am always so busy I just haven't done it. I agree that part of the reason I blog is to journal so it's worthless if I don't keep a copy of it. Thanks so much for the heads up on the good deal!

  4. This is my "offical" reminder to quit slacking and DO IT!!

    I love your books.. and I want some of my own. Thanks for the reminder....

  5. I am SO so So happy you shared this...that was going to be my next project..and now that you listed that coupon I am totally getting on it now!

