
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Things Accomplished Last Week

Wednesday I finally had time to run to the DMV and renew my drivers license. Recently Boise and surrounding cities combined all the DMVs into one office. This means a wait of up to 3 hours to renew a drivers license or registration. I geared up for the long wait by taking a bottle of water and a book. I walked into the office and it was almost empty. I pressed the button for my waiting number and was called immediately to a window. From start to finish it took about 20 minutes to get a new license.
I always hate getting a new picture taken.. Kind of scary - what do you think?? ha ha!
I'm good for another 8 years! Yeah and checked off my to do list.

Wednesday Brady had the opportunity to attend the LDS Boise Temple with our youth group.
The youth love to attend the temple and get to go about twice a year. They do baptisms for people who have died. We believe that when we are in heaven, there are missionaries to spread the gospel to those who have not heard about Jesus Christ. We do baptisms for them and they can choose to accept it or not after they are dead. We don't believe a person is "damned" because they never heard the gospel. That is why we do a lot of genealogy - to be able to give all people the choice to accept the gospel or not.

It was a great experience for Brady to attend the temple. He loves it.

This past weekend Brady was able to go on the winter camp out called the Klondike Camp out with the Boys Scouts. This is a regional camp out with over 600 boys attending. Brady went up as a leader and helped the younger boys work on their knots.
They have a ton of fun making snow caves and sleeping in them. This is a photo from a couple of years ago. The boys built an igloo. They have lots of fun. This is Brady's favorite camp out... Boys are weird!

While he was gone I was able to catch up on some chores that have been lingering on my to do list. One of them is ironing. This has been hanging around for a long time. I do some things now and then - but not the whole pile. I've had all of Brady's shorts from last summer in the pile to be ironed - 9 pairs of shorts.
I'm excited to report that while Brady was at the camp out - all of my laundry, drying, folding, ironing was complete and put away. Totally clean laundry room and YEAH the shorts are off my to do list. Such a great feeling!!

I also started working on the dreaded taxes...
I hope to get the information off to my accountant tomorrow.

My to do list is getting shorter... do you think one day it will be empty?? Probably not.

I hope this week is just as productive!


  1. In our ward only the deacons go to the Klondike so all weekend Taylor was seriously bummed that he was not there! He loves that campout too!! That is neat that Brady got to go as a leader to help the younger boys!!

    You reminded me that my driver's license is almost up for renewal - ugh!! I am glad it was not such a long, tiring wait that was good to hear!

    Have a Great day and congrats on getting caught up on the laundry/ironing - i wish that would happen at my house!!!

  2. I finally gave in and got a Minnesnowda DL. I have had my CA DL for 16 years through mail renewals because I never got a ticket ever. I finally said goodbye to it.

    I am happy you got caught up but I think you know as a mom, the work will never be done = )
    Atleast not for some time.


  3. It's so nice to get some things crossed off your list! I bet that you feel great!

  4. I HATE to iron. I got spoiled working at the dry cleaners all those years and having the big presses to use so my iron just doesnt cut it. Yikes on the DMV gla your wait time wasn't long. Just adds to my list why I'm glad I don't live there any more ;0)

  5. Whenever Chad leaves out of town.. I get caught up on more "things" than ever! What does that tell me?
    Maybe it's good for him to go on campouts?? LOL!

    Chad leaves the end of February for his Klondike.. so I better prepare to catch up!

    I hate my current DL photo. I was pregnant.. and don't think that's fair...

    I am not an ironing woman. That's why I:

    1- Don't buy clothes that HAVE to be ironed..
    2- Take things right out of the dryer and shake them out..
    3- If it HAS to be done.. Chad does it.

    Am I a good wife or what?? LOL!

    Hope your week is good..

  6. It seems as soon as all items are crossed off the to-do list, more find their way on it! But, oh what a good feeling to get so much done! Good for you!

  7. You lucked out with the short waiting line! (that's because you went prepared).

    I get the most done when everyone is in bed & on the few occasions when everyone is gone from the house.

    But my "to do" list will never be empty--I do hope one day the list will be more of "want to do"

  8. I don't understand how anyone could enjoy camping in snow! I am a big whimp and would never do it. My son has never been since we don't have scouts in our ward, but maybe one day. Brrrr! I'm glad some people enjoy it. I'm sure they do learn a lot.
