
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Weekend

Last week Brady asked if we could get together with Jason and Sharon. I said I would invite them over for Sunday dinner, but he said he wanted to go over to their house. I called Jason and told him that Brady wanted to come over and hang out with them. I asked if we could come over on Sunday - then I told him that he should make us dinner too... Ha ha! Sometimes it nice to have other people make dinner (instead of always me). He said that was fine and I think he enjoyed hearing that his brother wanted to hang out with him. I'm glad they love each other with 10 years age difference.

Of course I didn't have my camera - so these are just random pictures.

Sharon made huge baked potatoes and asparagus for dinner.

She lit the coals on the grill and had Jason barbecue some delicious rib eye steaks. The whole dinner was yummy - the steak tender and cooked just right! It was a very deluxe meal. Thanks for having us over for dinner!

After dinner they played Halo - while I sat and read a book and dosed in and out of a nap. It was a relaxful weekend together with my family. I could have more of those anytime.. Jason and Sharon, do you want to have us over for dinner tonight - you cook *wink. I sure love you both!


  1. Looks like it was a great time.
    Glad your boys enjoy each other, that's wonderful.
    Glad you got a nap!!!

  2. Everyone needs to have a Sunday dinner that they don't have to cook every once in a while! :)
    I'm glad you had one.. you deserve it!
    What a good thing to love to be together as a family. It shows how comfortable you are.. when you can hang out and nap! :)

    You have good kids for feeding you. :) Sounded YUMMY!

  3. What a great time! That meals sounds yummy! I totally understand the age difference in kids...Manga Dork and Wild Child are 9.5 years apart. I love when they play together. They love to do workouts and dance and sing to their Wii game Singstar.

  4. Sounds like a good family day. I always think that food other people cook seems to taste better, but it's just how relaxed I am since I'm used to doing all the cooking. Glad it was a good meal along with a good time.

  5. I agree with Valerie - it always tastes better when you're not the cook, though I have been trying lots of new recipes in my search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie!!!

  6. sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon!!!

    MMMmm...I love asparagus!!!!!

  7. Perfect hour or two!! I thought...."HOW NICE" when I read that Brady wanted to go over to his older brothers house and hang out. And it even got better, when you didn't have to cook!! What a nice relaxing day!! Hope you got allot read, and much needed rest!
    Have a great day.

  8. That is so great that Jason and Sharon cooked dinner for you and Brady. What a wonderful Sunday Tradition (wink wink - You could Tell Jason that!!).
    It is fun to "hang out" and relax with family!! Nothing better.
