
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Tables

I'm giddy with happiness! Good things come from tragedy (sometimes). As you may recall, a week ago while hanging my new Christmas picture, I killed/broke my glass table. You can see the original post here.

I looked around for a replacement table and found a pretty good deal. I decided to take the plunge and go ahead using my Christmas bonus money to purchase it. I also decided to by a matching new coffee table.

Here is the replacement table. This is placed right under the picture that caused all the breakage.

I love the bottom shelf to add pictures or nick knacks to.

Here is the new coffee table. This side points out the to couch. My sister Cindy let me have the tile on the table. It says: "The SERVICE that you render IS THE LEGACY that you leave". I need to make a backing for the tile to make it pretty on both sides.

This side points into the love seat. I couldn't decide if the drawers should face out or in. I decided if I was sitting on the love seat I would want to have the drawers there. I love that I can put my Sunday Paper in a drawer and magazines in the other one.

Here is a wide view with both tables. I love how it grounds the room with the beautiful wood.

I thought I would show the piano too. This is where I moved the Jesus picture (above the piano). It used to be on the wall where my new picture is.

I love getting new things. New tables have made me happy! (Jason and Sharon are the proud owners of the old coffee table - hand me downs are great too!)

Thought: "Happiness is that particular sensation you acquire when you are too busy to be miserable."


  1. i like that table!!! was a blessing in disguise!

  2. It is beautiful! Love the way you have decorated. Love your home. It's so restful looking.

  3. Beautiful tables! How fun for you to have something new!

  4. Yay!! New furniture is Happy!!

    It's fun to get new stuff... because it can feel like a whole new room! ~ And it's a good change for January too!

    I like the picture of Christ better over the piano...

    LOVE the saying on the tile. I think I may have to put that on my sidebar! ;)

  5. You have great new furniture and they're already all decorated with your pretty things. I'd be happy too! Looks great.

  6. Everything looks just lovely!
    I just want to know where the dust is? That's what I like to decorate with! :)

  7. Wow is all I can say give the room a hole new look I love that you have all that storage and room for more displays I'm kind of jellous just kidding
    Love Mom

  8. You need a far away picture so I can see the picture above Mom

  9. I love that you "made lemonade out of lemons"--I love the new tables & the pictures. One day I will look forward to decorating my house :D
