
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Season Rush

Sunday night I really enjoyed the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional. I enjoyed the music and taking the time to think about the reason for the season - Our Savior, Lord and the Prince of Peace - Jesus Christ.
It's wonderful to celebrate his birth during this season. 

This morning while Brady and I were reading our scriptures, I read this scripture (or sang it):
2 Nephi 19:6 (Compare to Isaiah 9:6)

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

If you watched the Devotional on Sunday, you will understand why I sang it. I love that I found this while reading my scriptures this morning.

Christmas time is always busy. I wish I had my lights and tree up before Thanksgiving because it has set me really behind this year. Next year - mental note: put up decorations before Thanksgiving so you can relax and enjoy everything.

Friday night we had our ward (church) Christmas party. I signed up to bring Cheesy Potatoes which were yummy. It was a nice party and Santa Claus even came.

Saturday morning 10am was the Meridian Winterland parade. It was toooo could and we left half way through it. Brrrrrrrrr

I worked very hard at getting the final decorations put up and all of the boxes put away on Saturday so I could enjoy Sunday in peace.

Plus, Saturday I had to run over to one of my Primary children who was getting baptized and give him is white towel, memory book and Baptism stories book (from Friend articles).
I attended his baptism at 4pm and he was the last to be baptized so it was after 5pm by the time I got home.

At 5:30pm the festivities started for the lighting of the Meridian Christmas tree. Such a busy day. Plus I prepared my Primary lesson for Sunday during the day.

Sunday we attended church of course. In Primary we had 14 children in our class and some were missing - Wow!

Jason and Sharon came over for Sunday dinner...

At 6pm we watched the Christmas devotional on the BYU Channel.

Monday it snowed!!

This is not the picture of my house this year -- I cheated and used one from last year... The sadness of this picture is that my Christmas lights are up. Unfortunately I don't have them up yet... SHOCK!! This may be the year I don't have time to get them up. Monday I worked then cleaned Compton's that night - on a snowy day.

Tuesday, yesterday... Came home at 3:15 pm and there was a message that Brady's bus was late so he was walking home... Brrrrrr it was like 8 degrees and very cold. I jumped into the car and sent to find him but we missed each other.

Came home and he had piano lessons at 4pm. I did some shopping for the Primary Christmas party I am having on Wednesday night (tonight).

Then I made dinner and baked cookies and frosted them until 10:30 pm.

Tonight is my Primary Christmas party - last one for this class... And then I get a new class in January. I sure hope I get to stay with CTR 8 year olds (Baptism year).

Also tonight Brady is going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.

Thursday is Stephanie's party - the Cookie exchanged. My favorite party for the year. I have to make more cookies tonight after the party.

Yes it is the Christmas Season rush... I'm really trying to enjoy each moment and keep Jesus Christ Birth in the front of the picture.


  1. Ah Sondra! You are busy! What an awesome Primary teacher you are!!!! Great to support those little ones.
    Your house is beautiful. Ya know, it's OK if you don't get the lights up this year. Seriously it is! (I've kinda scaled down this year.)
    I don't know how you do all you do! You are amazing and inspiring! I just love ya!!!!!

  2. It's such a trap, the Christmas season. Often times, we are too busy shopping, buying presents, etc. when we forget to remember the real reason for the season. Thanks for sharing and yikes! You are so busy! Love ya!

  3. One of these years I'll figure out a way to make my December less hectic, but I still enjoy it. My daughter's birthday is in December which makes it crazier than it every was before she was born.

    Sorry about your lights not being up. Ours aren't either. My husband doesn't like putting them up and only did it once. If I had a ladder, I'd do it myself. I love looking around at all the lit up houses. And yours was so pretty in that picture from last year.

  4. Wow...even with finals week and work I don't think I'm as busy as you!!! It sounds like you're on track though! :)

    And whenever I read or hear those scriptures, I always end up singing it in my head!

  5. You really ARE busy! Amen to your last statement. Sometimes it's hard to do.
    Can you believe how cold it is? Good grief, it's only December!
    Love the lights on your house - even if they are last years!

  6. that very 1st picture of Mary, Joseph & Jesus...I have never seen one like is beautiful!

  7. busy..busy..busy! Take time to exhale and enjoy the will be gone before we know it!
