
Friday, November 13, 2009

Let it Snow!! - 1st Snow Storm of the Season Tonight

The forecast for tonight's weather is SNOW! We are suppose to recieve our first measurable snow storm and could wake up to an inch on the ground.

My instinct is to build a fire and hunker down during a storm.

However, Brady my favorite Boys Scout had other ideas. Or I should say, what do the Boys Scouts of America do when there is a storm coming in?

They go camping.. Brrrrrrrrr  

Although I love having Brady participate in the scouting program and admire that he can campout in the middle of a stormy night - it is something I have no desire to do. I guess this is what grows hair on their chests and make them men.

I'll just stay home, put my feet up, start a fire, pop some popcorn and watch The Notebook. :-D


  1. I HATED having my boys go on those campouts! I worried about them all night (except when I was sleeping) We had snow last night that stuck to the lawns and car windows. I guess it's time or Fall.

  2. Hope you got your snow and got hunkered down.
    I love the snow, it makes me want to cook and put up Christmas decorations!

  3. My guys are super happy that it did not snow last night and stick because the young men and young women are raking up the town this morning!

    I too love the first snow and cannot wait for it to snow and stick but I hope it happens after Thanksgiving since we have travelers the next few weekends.

    I do not mind the guys camping in the snow but now that I have kids who travel from college for holidays, etc... I like it to hold off.

    Hope you enjoy your fire anyway - even with no snow it is pretty chilly out there :D

  4. I agree!

    The Notebook = Happiness.

    We in Utah are in a BLIZZARD today!
    I hate it. Can't it snow on the grass and not stick on the roads?? Then I would be happy. I worry to much about my loved ones on the roads.

    Chad just booked Crystal Hot springs for the December Camp out. I was like " That's a resort.. not camping.." but since they are putting tents up there.. he says it's camping. ~ Even though I can't imagine camping in the snow.. the hot springs sound nice... :)

    I"m off to make some Cinnamon Rolls. I love to bake ( Rhodes ) when it's snowing outside.. makes the house smell yummy! :)

    Happy Weekend!

  5. A fire, POPCORN, and the Notebook...heaven. Especially in a snow storm. We're getting snow to. It's's still snow. And I'm not so sure about sleeping in it. My son's scout troop always plan a winter camp, but so far hav never followed through with it. And usually, he's glad they don't follow through with it. And like you, sleeping in the mountains in the winter is just not something I want to do.

    Today, I Christmas shopped, and drove around town listening to Christmas music. AHhhhhhhh......

    Have a good weekend.

  6. i can not wait until our 1st snow of the season!!!!

    your idea of a snow-nite in sounds wonderful!!! ♥ The Notebook!

    ....HATE camping in ANY weather!!!!
