
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm a Winner of Scentsy Products

I'm super excited that I have won a fabulous prize from Shauna's site, "Trying to Stay Calm". There is a button on my side bar for her fun site. She has give aways every day and it is awesome, especially when you win. Woo Hoo!

I've entered a bunch of times and now I have finally won a prize. I won a Scentsy warmer and I picked out the Grapevine warmer. This will fit into my kitchen decorations of chefs and grapes. Isn't it beautiful?

I'm not sure how it works because I have never been to a party. However I see the scent blocks around my customers houses. A few of them have the wall plug ins from Scentsy.

I also get 3 scent bricks. The flavors I chose were: Cinnamon Vanilla, Vanilla Walnut, and Sticky Cinnamon Bun. As you can tell, vanilla is my favorite candle flavor. I love the fall and holiday smells with a spiciness to it. I hope they smell delicious!

Have you ever tried a Scentsy product? What flavors do you like?
I am really excited to receive this in the mail. If I love it, they may have a new customer with the give away.


  1. OOOH! I LOVE scentsy!

    Most of mine are all a vanilla with something else too..
    Twinner sniffers! ha-ha

    I have a yummy Sugar cookie.. and Lemon Grass one that is good too.


  2. I have a regular Scentsy warmer in my kitchen and a plug-in one in my bedroom. I have only tried a few scents (and love them), but would love to try many more. I have Winter Wonderland, Clove & Cinnamon, and a couple of others I can't remember. I love vanilla scent too.

    Congrats on your pretty prize! Did you know they have a Twilight scent? I haven't smelled it yet.

  3. I saw that you won and it made me so happy! My niece sells Scentxy and we all love it! I'm sure the grape vine warmer will be perfect in your kitchen!

  4. What a gorgeous choice you made. Dr. Hubby LOVES vanilla scent too. I am more a fruity girl. Congrats!

  5. Congrats! When you get it let me know and I will walk you through how it works and all the fun tips I just learned :) ♥ HUGS ♥

  6. what a fun win! i ♥ her site! those scents sound delish! Your house will smell so good!

    thanks for stopping by to visit my blog! I love new followers! the photo effects were so fun to play with...i love that site...too much fun!

    take care!

  7. I always have cinnamon vanilla in stock at my house- its one of my favorites too. You always are winning things! I always try but never do. I'm jealous! :)

  8. Congrats for being a winner of such a fabulous item!!! I haven't ever broken down and got me one.....yet.
    You deserve it cause you are awesome! And don't you just love Shauna?

  9. I ALWAYS knew you were a WINNER! Okay, seriously....congratulations. I would LOVE some of these for my house. They smell SO GOOD!

  10. My mom gave me a warmer and a bunch of scents last year for Christmas. I don't use it as much as I should since I have it in my bedroom. My mom told me to only let it warm for a couple of hours at a time, so I find I want my candles burning or on a warmer downstairs for longer. I also find I loose the scent if I have it in my main level.

    The scents my mom gave me are,
    Spiced Orange Harvest... Love it.

    Cozy Fireside (Havent' tried it yet, it was my least favorite of the bunch to smell.)

    Wasabi Ginger.... Love it

    Lemon Lavender... Love it

    Sunkissed Citrus... Love it

    Coming home... it's nice

    Winter Wonderland... love it

    and she gave me a pine scented one from another store that is very nice too.

    You will love it. My sister keeps talking about selling it and I wish she would because I would use mine more and buy more scents.

  11. LOL I ran across your site while looking for a picture of the grape vine scentsy. The funny thing is that I am a 30 year old man. I have to admit that scentsys are fun and a great way to brighten any room. Even my students at the school I teach a love them. They are always asking me to try a new scent. Anyways I suggest vanilla suede. Its masculine and fun.
