
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Nephew Kevin in the Church News.

My Nephew Kevin, and the Serbain missionaries are in the church news. It's very exciting to have a missionary in your family. We are very proud of him and his service to the Serbian people.

If anybody would like to give me their Church News September 12th.... I have a treat for you. Please let me know and I'll send you my address. Thanks! Here is a link to the story too:

Serving with smiles opened doors in Serbia
Missionaries drew distinction for volunteer service during games
Published: Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

"The opportunity was once-in-a-lifetime," said Elder Ron Densley, who is serving as a humanitarian volunteer with his wife, Annette.

(Kevin is in the back row - 4th person)
Courtesy of Ron and Annette Densley
Some missionaries in the
Slovenia/Croatia Mission, dressed in apparel issued to volunteers, assisted in the 25th University Olympics in Belgrade. Their service drew the attention of organizers and allowed them to share the gospel.

The missionaries volunteered as translators, stat keepers, greeters and floor sweepers. They also performed various tasks such as stocking water coolers, setting up shade tents, smiling, assisting and greeting people.

The missionaries stood out from other volunteers, prompting visitors to ask why the missionaries would leave home at their own expense. Spectators from all over the world loved practicing their English language skills and were surprised to discover how fluent the missionaries were in speaking Serbian, said Elder Densley.

The missionaries proved to be dependable and capable, drawing the attention of Olympic team leaders who came to know many missionaries by name. People commented how the Mormon missionaries were different from other volunteers. They often remarked how they enjoyed seeing the smiling faces and happy countenances of the missionaries.

(Kevin is the 1st person in the back row)
Courtesy of Ron and Annette Densley
Eight missionaries and one senior missionary couple were selected in the first round of interviews to serve as volunteers in the 25th University Olympics

One young lady from Russia spotted the missionary name tags with delight. She had been a foreign exchange student in Idaho, living with a Latter-day Saint family where the father was the bishop. She accompanied the missionaries to Church each Sunday.

A few copies of the Book of Mormon were given out. One young lady asked if she could attend Church meetings.

In Serbia, missionaries find street contacting to be difficult and seldom productive. Few take the time to stop to hear the gospel.

"What a refreshing change to have people ask us to hear about the message of the gospel," Elder Densley said.

For missionaries, the 2009 University Olympics afforded opportunities to share the gospel and plant gospel seeds in the hearts of people from around the world in ways that are seldom experienced.


  1. I love this story!
    Yay! How cool to see your nephew!
    I wish I had a church news to give ya. I will see if my parents still have their paper...

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'm sure I never would have seen this if you hadn't blogged about it. :) I can't believe Kevin is almost home!

  3. How fun for him and your whole family!

  4. Sondra, I'll check at our Distribution Center and see if they have any. If they do I'll get them to you. NO TREATS NEEDED. Will just be happy to do it. Besides, I'd like to see this article myself.
    Have a good day.

  5. So fun! I really loved reading about this and seeing him. He looks good and happy!

  6. Sondra I have that sitting right in front of me. I will give it to you today when you drop Taylor off. No treats needed!!

    That is SO cool!!!

  7. WOO HOO Cherie...You are my hero! Thank you!! I'm excited to add this to my scrapbooking/family history book. You Rock!!
