
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stressed?? Who me?????

While I think I thrive on stress and going, going, going ..... which is what made me very successful when I was a career girl... And successful now being self employed... I don't mind setting hefty goals and working toward those deadlines (as long as it's not dieting *snicker).

This week has been a full out sprinting marathon. It's been kicking me in the butt. Here is a little of what has happened this week.

Last Saturday ...
1. Wake up and get Brady to the bus for the cross country meet in Cascade (I didn't go).
2. Can tomatoes.
3. Go to the church for 2 hours to practise the Primary Program.
4. Pick up Brady.
5. Have major issues with my printer and worked on them - until I had to get technical support and it still doesn't print pictures well :o(..
6. Finish preparing my Primary lesson.

Sunday ....
7. Attend Church from 8:30 to 12:00 Noon. Primary Program - which was awesome of course.
8. Make 2 pots of spaghetti sauce - freeze.

Monday ...
9. Clean two houses.
10. Talk to Mom on the phone - late to clean business - Jason and Sharon bring some borrowed items to the business I clean and talk to me for a while... which equals a LATE working night.
Tuesday ...
11. Clean two houses. Came home and mowed the lawn because it's garbage day tomorrow. I missed the telephone call to pick up Brady and Taylor - Cherie stepped in and picked them up for me (Cherie you are my hero).
12. Miss piano lessons because we have back to school night. I honestly don't know why I go - nobody does - maybe 5 parents in each class we went to and probably all the smart students parents. It was a waste of time. 6pm to 8pm.
13. Go to store after back to school night to get some supplies devotional, visiting teaching kit, spaghetti feed, and snacks for cross country - home late.
14. Put together VT general conference kits.

Wednesday ...
15. Clean one house.
16. Go visiting teaching - and then go to one of my primary students house who is getting baptised Saturday and talk to him about baptism and give towel and books.
17. Make 2 more pots of spaghetti sauce - freeze.
18. Put together seminary devotional items.

Thursday ....
19. Take Brady to school with his seminary devotional items.
20. Clean two HUGE houses - and one wanted me to clean their oven ... just a little stress.
21. Make 3 batches of cookies.
22. Take spaghetti out of freezer and make one pot of vegetarian spaghetti for the vegetarians on the team... new recipe hmmmmm.. scary - but turned out yummy and I'll make it again.
23. Make flier with map to our house for the spaghetti feed on Friday.
23. Woke up and put all the spaghetti sauce in crock pots to warm throughout the day.
24. Clean two houses.
25. Run to Albertsons to pick up french bread.
25. Brady forgot to take the fliers with the map and so I have to run them to school.
26. Make 2 more batches of cookies.
27. Receive the tables and chairs I rented, set up 5 eight foot tables and 45 chairs in the back yard - by myself. Put table clothes on them that kept blowing in the wind.
28. Brought out craft tables and card tables to put food on.
29. Cut up fruit, make fruit dip, slice french bread.
30. Cook and cook spaghetti noodles.
31. Set everything out on the table for the feed.
32. Host 50 kids - who ooooohed and aaaaaaahed over the yummy food, tables and chairs, flowers in the back yard. I'll post details later.
33. Cleaned up .... dishes, froze remaining sauce, stacked rented tables and chairs.

34. I'm on snack duty for the meet today.
35. Need to go get dry ice for cooler with otter pops in them and ice for bottled water.
36. Go to the meet until 4 or so pm.
37. Still need to get a sharing time ready for primary tomorrow.

My body hurts and I am one tired cookie. All of those things were in addition to cooking, cleaning, laundry and being a mom. Would you say it's been quite the week?? And tomorrow I get to do it all over again -- but take it a little easier next week and enjoy a restful weekend of General Conference. I really need it.

Yes.... in case you were wondering.... I am enjoying every minute of this journey!!!


  1. CYBERHUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have had a lot on your plate and I'm tired just reading your week. I feel a little guilty because of my post last Monday. I should be helping you......from the other side of the state!
    Hope you are able to get some much needed rest.

  2. Not to mention, getting a post done! You are busy! I too am looking forward to General Conference! Hope all goes well for the rest of the day!

  3. You are SO funny! At least your list looks like you accomplished a lot! My lists are little things like: take out the garbage or start a load of laundry! Enjoying the journey reminded me of the 'come what may and love it!' that I have in my kitchen! Have a good week next week superwoman!

  4. You have been one busy girl...hope this week is a little less chaotic.

    We had a lazy day...felt so good to just chill out and do NOTHING!
