
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cross Country Cuteness

Yeah! We received Brady's cross country school pictures. He is such a cutie! Go Warriors!
I love that he gets to associate with all of these awesome people. The team members all try hard to succeed in school by getting good grades, they run and train hard. They will all be successful people with the drive that is in them. I am very glad that Brady loves to run.
Brady it the first person on the top row. Cuteness!
Last weekend the team went to Northern Idaho to compete in a meet. While they were there they went to the theme park and rode the roller coasters. They left Friday morning at 5:30 am and returned home at 6:30 am on Sunday Morning. They slept in the gym at the local high school in the mat room. The leaders formed a line (electric fence) in between the boys and the girls as they slept.

When Brady returned home Sunday morning he talked and talked about all the fun they had and then he crashed. He slept most of the day and did homework from missing school on Friday. Sunday was a recovering day to be wide awake and ready for school on Monday.

It is exciting that he can be part of a team and enjoy these little trips. It bonds the team together. They root for each other and encourage them on. Everyone is a winner, no matter when the crossed the finish line. The goal is to have a better time (personal best) each race.
This is the Silverwood Theme park roller coaster. WOW!!

The coaches asked each person to bring an item to share .... something like a good luck charm. Brady forgot to bring an item. But in his backpack was his Book of Mormon and he decided to share that.

He told the group that the item he was going to share was the Book of Mormon. He said there were 2 main purposed for reading the Book of Mormon. They were 1. To be enlightened and 2. to be uplifted. Then he also explained that his Scout Leader had challenged the boys to read the Book of Mormon every day for 5 weeks and if they did he would cook them a crepe.

I love this challenge to help with personal scripture study. We read the scriptures everyday as a family .... but to give your children the desire to have personal scriptures study is a challenge. I'm thankful for wise leaders who help inspire our children. His leader is Brian Mecham and he is the best!
I'm thankful that Brady had the courage to share the Book of Mormon with his teammates. He is such an awesome kid!
Yeah Warriors!


  1. Looks like he had a great time. Oh I bet you felt so good when he told you about sharing the BOM...stuff like that takes courage at that age in front of your peers...Bravo Brady!

  2. He is a brave young man to share with his peers. You are such a good mother! Glad that Brady had a fun time on his trip. Can't wait to see more as the season progresses.

  3. Just a few general cross country questions- How far do they have to run each meet? How fast does Brady run?
    I remember participating in school athletics. Those are some of my best memories and they will probably be some of Brady's as well.

  4. What a cute kid. Love the Book of Mormon story!! What a great kid.

    Cross country is such a good program. I've noticed that the kids that participate are really good kids. To bad our schools don't meet.

    I'm catching up from being gone for a bit, and enjoying your posts. Thanks for always being so positive and such a fun place to visit.

  5. I love it when young adults share the gospel. My daughter just returned from her mission and everyone she sees, hears a little something about the Book of Mormon! She makes it look easy. I'm not that brave.
    Your son is a cutie.

  6. What a brave guy! That is neat that it means enough to him to be able to do that and that he was given the chance to share it with so many. Even if it didn't affect anyone else, I bet he won't forget it! Thanks for sharing the story.

  7. I am SO Happy with this cross country team and all of the experiences and bonding the team has. Coach Rusty is awesome for creating this atmosphere!
    Brady's picture looks great!

  8. That son of yours is a treasure ! Good work Mom LOL !
