
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cross Country and Jimmy Driscoll Meet

After weeks and weeks of practise, Saturday Brady competed in his first Cross Country meet, Jimmy Driscoll. The meet was from 9am to 3:15 pm. Of course there was no way I was going to be there the whole time - I have too much to do. I told Brady to call me with the time he was going to race and I would be there.

He called me 1/2 hour before he was going to run, my hair was wet and I didn't have any make up on and it was at least a 15 minute drive to get there. Hippeeeee.. I hurried as fast as I could.

Well, I missed the start of the race but I made it.
I arrived as he was coming down this hill. I could tell he was hurting. Later I found out he was having a hard time catching his breath or breathing.
He started out the 3.5 mile race too fast and he paid for it at the end. He had too much confidence at the beginning of the race. It was the first race of the season and he has to remember to pace himself throughout the whole race.
Of course he never stopped and walked. He ran and ran and ran - it didn't matter how much pain he was going through.
Finally he crossed the finish line. Celebrate. He did great for the first race. I love watching and cheering for him.
I have a T-Shirt I wore to the meet that says: "Warrior Mom" Proudest Mom Of All!
Some of the Coach comments about the race:
Here is something cool to think about: Our short handed and side ached girls (no Lila or Becca) ran on average 12 seconds faster than our team did last year. With them just running decent we would be over one minute per girl faster than last year. Bring on the state meet!

Our boys were 46 seconds faster on average than last year. If we get about 15 more seconds we can beat Rocky. Lets work harder than any other team for the next six weeks. That means doing all the small things as well.
Here are some pictures of the team relaxing in the Boise River after a practice in Eagle, Idaho.
The school rule says they cannot take off their shirt. They have very strict rules when boys and girls are in the same sport. No boyfriend/girlfriend. No sitting together after dusk on the bus. Boys in front and girls in back with coaches sitting in between. There are lots of rules to keep the kids morally safe (I love it).
Brady and Taylor talking (flirting) with the girls.
Aaaaah nice and soaking wet. No towel and wet bottoms on the car seats. The things Mom's do for their children *giggle.


  1. Glad that he did so well. I'm sure that it would be so hard!

  2. SO FUN!! My sons first cross country meet is tomorrow and I can't make it! Makes me sad.
    It's a great sport to be involved in.

    Have a great day.

  3. I admire anyone who works through the pain of running or any other kind of sport. There were times I'd have to run along side my daughter during her cross country racing to give her an inhaler because her asthma would kick in.
    Playing in the river looks like a fun way to relax and get to know the members of the team.

  4. That was a fun meet. I think the High School meets are way more fun - I loved watching them all!
    Brady did great - He always has a smile on his face!
