
Friday, August 14, 2009

The Start of Cross Country Track

Today was the parent / student meeting for all athletes who will compete in the upcoming school year. Brady is in the blue from last year as a freshman, I hope he's grown some *wink* as a sophomore.

We are double excited because Cherie's son Taylor will be a freshman this year. Brady and Taylor are friends - that is how I became friends with Cherie (Bakow Babble). Yeah for our boy's friendship!

Brady has been running all week to prepare for the upcoming season. Tomorrow morning is the official start with the team. We will be up bright and early to get breakfast and be in Eagle by 8 am.
I love this part of school! I love that Brady enjoys this sport - he loves to run long distances. (He didn't get that gene from me).

It's hard to believe that summer is winding down. We register for school on Wednesday and school starts on August 25.

Only 10 more days left.... Boy, summer zoomed by fast!


  1. Cross Country is a good sport. It takes a certain kind of kid to be able to be in it.

    My daughter ran cross country her sophomore year, and went to State. She hasn't been able to run Cross Country again because of drill team, and now cheer. She misses it A LOT! Does Brady run track in the spring. We're in to that at our house to.

    But like you, she did not get that gene from me.

    Your blog layout is great! Makes me smile!
    Have a great Sunday tomorrow!

  2. Good for him! I ran track when I was in school! I should have never stopped! :)

  3. Twinners!! I just had to get Jade all signed up for Cross Country and they start practice on Monday at 7:00 am.

    I think it's awesome for kids to do running sports. Because it is a sport that they can do for their whole LIFE!! (unlike other sports that after high school they usually never do them again).

    Awesome for Brady!! (I wish I had that much endurance to run Cross Country...Jade is always begging me to come and run with him but I have a bad knee and can only do brisk walking).

    Have a Wonderful Sunday!!

  4. PS...that is SO awesome that Brady and Taylor are friends and lucky for you and Cherie that you get to go and cheer on your kids together!!

  5. Cross country is a sport for driven athletes! Good for him! I always enjoyed going to watch my kids in all their school sports activities!
    You're right, it is hard to believe that summer is winding down...I start work tomorrow and the kids come on Wednesday! My summer is OVER! :-(

  6. Good for Brady! Tell him to enjoy running for all of us - it is just not MY thing.

    BTW, the new blog wallpaper is awesome! Continue to dream about Jacob and Edward! Everyday we get closer to New Moon!

  7. Sondra it is going to be a fun season!
    Taylor told me that their warm up yesterday was longer than their final run for MMS - I think he is excited to run further distances and do some of those fun meets that are away!
    I am so glad the boys can run together!
