
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Movie Review: "Swing Vote" and "Julie & Julia"

When I installed another digital box in my kitchen for Brady's birthday, Digital TV made a mistake in scheduling it. Their mistake caused me to stick around for 4 hours during the scheduled time and nobody came. I was pretty steamed because it was Saturday Morning and I had a ton of stuff to do. Due to their mistake I have been given 3 months of free "Stars" movie channel. I don't know if this will make up for my precious time lost - but at least they were sorry and tried to make it up.

Anyway, Swing Vote was on this past week and I was able to watch it. I never really had any desire to rent it - thinking it wouldn't appeal to me or be dumb.

I was pleasantly surprised. It was heart warming. It was a story about the bond between a father and a daughter. Also watching the father grow up. It was good. I'm glad I watched it. You should rent it for $1 at Redbox.

Today Brady and I went to see Julie & Julia. Yippee! We went to the 3:30 pm showing and it was packed. I was surprised - shoulder to shoulder seating (full auditorium).
I fell in love with Amy Adams (Julie) from the movie Enchanted. I think she is a terrific actress along with (of course) Meryl Streep.
Brady and I laughed and laughed through most of the movie. It was quite the comedy. I also loved the fact that this all started with Julie's blog about Julia Childs' cook book.
It was quite brave of Julie to cook every recipe in the book. I have NEVER been that brave. I always want tried and true recipes from friends and relatives before I actually take the risk in cooking something new.

Since I have been blogging, I have been really motivated by great recipes on blogging friends sites. It's been really fun trying new things. I really need to be braver when it comes to cooking.

The dynamics of the husband and wife relationships between Julie and her husband and Julia and her husband were wonderful and heartwarming.
Meryl Streep as Julia was right on - from what I've seen in her cooking shows. She really was a very dynamic woman and full of life. She tried new things and was fun, boisterous, friendly, loving wife and just enjoyed life to the fullest. What a great example of someone who really lives life to the fullest!
Slicing the onions was funny! I know I laughed and laughed through the movie. Meryl just was hilarious as Julia.
Julia's husband was very devoted. Since I have NEVER been in a love relationship like that - I can't even imagine a man loving and supporting you like that. I can only dream of a love and relationship like that.

After so many years of planning a cookbook with her friends - she was finally accepted to be published. Woot!
Julia was quite a tall woman and so was her sister. I loved their laughter and buoyant personalities. They were not shy women at all.
The real Julia Childs.
Doesn't Meryl Streep look the part? Wow! Spot on!
The recipes Julie made were mouth watering. Of course there were a few flops. She was a great cook. Could I be one too with Julia Childs' book? Hmmmm I might have to rent it from the library and see what the recipes are like before I actually purchase it. Can I be that brave?
It was a great movie. Great Actors! Funny! Loving! Inspiring. A must see!

Bon Appetit!


  1. I got a little bored with Swing Vote...and hated the ending.

    I am thinking of sneaking and watching the Julia/Julie movie...glad to hear you liked it and that it is full of laughs...that will feel good.

    I love both Amy and Meryl.

  2. I want to see Julia/Julie so bad. I use to watch JC when I was growing up she was an inspiration to my catering business. Have a wonderful weekend sounds like you are having a blast so far. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  3. Hummm...I just might have to go see Julia & Julie.
    I love Amy Adams too and Meryl Streep DEfinatly!

    As for swing vote, I must have been living under rock cause I've never heard of it. But I do love my redbox so I'll look it up!

  4. I'm really excited to see Julie and Julia! I remember watching Julia on PBS years ago... I love Meryl!

  5. Thanks for the review. I haven't even heard of this movie coming out.
    I'll be sure to watch it. It is always nice to go watch a good movie.
    Have a great Sunday.

  6. I have been watching the previews for it on the food network (our favorite channel). I wanted to go and see it, but wasn't sure. I'll add that to our indefinitely growing list of movies to watch!

  7. I am excited to see Julie and Julia. My son works at our local theater and I can see movies for free but he informed me that they don't have that movie and may not get it! I might just have to pay to see it! Darn!

  8. I like you, liked both movies. I was surprised that I'd like Swing Vote to.

    Of course, you know that I LOVED Julie and Julia.

    Ya-know Sondra, I think you are as brave and Julie. Maybe not in cooking, but I read what you do, and the type of person you are. YOU ARE VERY BRAVE!!!! But, I know where you are coming from. From the cooking point of view, I'm NOT brave at all.

    Have a great day.

  9. Wasn't Julie and Julia delightful? A girlfriend and I caught the first showing of it on Friday and were just delighted with the film. Very interesting that bloggers are beginning to make it onto the big screen!
