
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Enjoying My Flowers

This year my yard has done exceptionally well. I don't know if it is due to the very wet spring we had or my new curbing, but everything is lovely.
This is my kidney shaped island off of the patio. This was when I first planted it in the spring. And now it is full of flowers.
So many flowers growing so well. I love looking out my sliding glass doors in my bedroom each day and seeing the green grass and all the beautiful flowers.
Oops, the pictures are backwards. This is the front of my house now.
And this is before. It looked great in the spring - but is sooo much fuller now.
This was the berm after I planted it in the spring.
Now it is covered in beautiful flowers. It's a great sight for everyone who drives or walks by my house. I really love flowers! Can you tell?
This was my cement pad at the beginning of spring - it is also when I had the container garden there. Since the cement pad became to hot for the container garden, it has been moved. But all of the flower still remain.

The front 3 pots really have grown. The two smaller pots on the sides of the big one are currently on each table by the chairs. Look how they have grown!
You cannot even see the tables - only the beautiful plants. I love it!
Last year while visiting my sisters yard, she had these huge petunia plants. I fell in love with them. It's one plant called the "wave petunia".
This is also one plant - a "wave petunia". This is really my favorite plant. I think next year, all of my hanging baskets will be "wave petunia". They really make a statement!


  1. Sondra your yard is wonderful!! Absolutely beautiful. The difference between your cement patio, from spring to now is AMAZING!!!!! I'd love to just sit there and soak it all in.

    I don't know how you do it??? How do you get it all done. Don't tell me......Your house is always clean to? Right? I knew it!!! You better go take a nap.

  2. Gorgeous! You have done a lot of work to keep your yard looking so beautiful!
    Great pictures!

  3. Fun fun fun! My flowers are dead from the awful 4th of July storm. I think that 3 flower plants (out of 3 dozen probably) made it through.

  4. What a beautiful little piece of heaven you have created ! After looking at your photos, I'm relaxed... Thanks so much for sharing it all LOL

  5. Your yard looks BEAUTIFUL!

    I am enjoying mine as well...
    It's an escape to go and sit out there amongst all of it....

    I'm not ready for fall...
    I want to keep my flowers!!!

    PS: If you go to Laurens Site ( busy bee lauren ) she posted an announcement last night about the twilight blog...

  6. Your yard is exeptionally beautiful! You are a flower master! Come and teach me OK? Mine die from lack of water???love???music??? I dunno.

  7. Thanks for sharing such wonderful beauty!! As the heat of summer comes my gorgeous flowers in my yard are wilting and many are done blooming.

    It's funny you posted this because I was going to do a "beauty all around us post" on Sunday and show some of the beauty that I have had in my life this Summer including some of my flowers. I hope you don't think I'm copying you.

    I love seeing the comparison from spring to summer to see the growth on your plants and flowers in your flower beds.

    I have to agree with Sandra that I don't know how you have the energy you do to do all that you do in 1 day!! You are such a wonderful example.

    Wave Petunias are my favorite and I plant them every year in baskets on my front porch area. However, mine have never been as BIG and full as yours are. Yours are simply gorgeous!

    Have an Enjoyable Day and I hope you find some time in your busy day to relax a little.

  8. My goodness, your yard is just breathtaking! It flows so nicely and you can tell that love is out into it!

    I wish I had the time to put flowers out but out have to take REALLY good care because the heat rise and humidity just REALLY takes it toll if you dont give flowers your full effort.


    PS. Are you ready for the New Moon trailer tomorrow???
