
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ripe Tomatoes

This is the first year I've had ripe tomatoes this early in the season. Right now I have 11 ripe tomatoes and lots of green ones. I LOVE container gardens. I feel it has been the most successful I've been - especially with tomatoes. I can't wait to start canning them - Woo Hoo!!

I've been able to can another 11 pints of beans with another batch ready to be picked. That is a total of 23 pints so far. It's a great feeling of accomplishment when you are able to grow and can your own vegetables. The best thing for me has been the "no weeding" in my garden. But, I still have to weed in my flower beds - darn weeds.

My yard and flowers are just awesome. Everything looks great! I love my curbing!!!


  1. It is so good to hear about someone enjoying the fruits of their labors. I enjoy you enjoying your outside space.

    I am going to raise a small garden next year...we got rid of the goats so maybe something will have a chance to!

  2. We are enjoying tomatos and beans here as well! We havent bottled any yet though... We just sit and eat them.

    Canning to be done soon! My inlaws have cucumbers and Dill ready for canning!

    It's so satisfying to have your own harvest.. Especially to not be in work and have these things. Food Storage and low debt have brought us the greatest peace during this time, and because YOU are prepared... there should be no worries.. You are a amazing Woman!

    As always... thanks for your friendship and comments! XO

  3. Awesome! Somehow, I really need to start.

  4. Lucky! My tomatoes are all green with a promise of turning red. You must have lots of beans! Way to go!

  5. Hi!
    I followed you from Connie's blog...
    But I wanted to say that your container gardening has intrigued and encouraged me. We are buying a home with no garden space to speak of, so this is what I am thinking of doing.
    Looks like a pretty good harvest...
