
Thursday, July 2, 2009

AFY Rafting Trip

Brady and Autumn went rafting today with AFY. We (the parents) were really worried and I asked Brady to call me after the trip to let me know he was alive.

He actually called me!! Woo Hoo!! We spoke for a little while but his phone was running out of batteries because he forgot to charge it before he left. He is having the best time! Of course Rhonda always gets more detailed information from Autumn, so I get to post what she emailed me... She is basically my guest blogger this week. She is a little worried about giving me too much information - that Brady will be mad. I told her that Brady will never know because he never reads my blog... Here is a more detailed description of the rafting trip.

They got caught in a riptide or whirlpool or whatever you call it and one kid almost fell out. Autumn said his legs were just in and Max their youth leader grabbed him quickly. (Tauna do you know Maxwell Davis their advisor - he is from Rexburg).

The boy who almost fell out is the kid that lost the paddle during the rapids. Brady was paddling also.

I asked her how they got out of it and she said they just paddled like crazy. Two of the boys are pretty big so they were able to really paddle.
They were told if this happened they all had to lean towards the middle. Then when they were out of it the ones in the middle had to get the bail bucket out and get water out of the boat.

She said there were quite a few rapids but not all the way. She said if felt like they were only on the water 30 minutes not 2 hours.

They didn't wear their wet suits. Brady told me that nobody else was wearing one, so he didn't want to wear it either (go along with the crowd - shaking head).

The water felt pretty warm except her toes were numb- because there was a ton of water in the middle of the boat.

They are having their banquet tonight and dance. Of course, they are not ready to come home. The week went by really fast. Tomorrow it ends at 1:30 pm.

Autumn and Brady are the only people from Idaho in their group except maybe 1 other person. There are kids are from all over. Her roommates are from Washington.

I think there are 12 boys and 11 girls in her group and 4 groups all together - about 100 young women and young men.

They are already making plans to go next year. She also said a lot of the kids go to all 3 - AFY (Adventure for Youth), EFY (Especially for Youth) and OYA (Outdoor Youth Adventure). Can you imagine spending 400.00 for each? Holy cow.

During the bus ride home there was "pee" dripping on Brady. It was really water but it was yellow and they were by the back of the bus where the bathroom was so everyone was telling him it was pee. He is soooo funny that he scooted closer to Autumn and wiped it on her. LOL Cracks me up - they are a hoot!

Autumn said Brady always eats breakfast with the girls because the guys are boring. Everyone loves Brady because he is always laughing, making them laugh, smiling and so happy.

It looks like we better get saving money for next year. (Or Autumn and Brady need to start saving).


  1. Sounds like they're both having a great time. I bet you're glad he's safe and sound after the rafting trip. We rafted down the Payette River several times as a ward and a family. Almost had a tragedy the last time we went.
    Hope your weekend is lots of fun!

  2. Wow...what an adventure...he is braver than I am. I am so glad he is having a good time and I am sure it is going to end way too soon!

  3. Rafting is SO fun!!

    I bet they had a blast. I am sure he did not want to wear a wet suit - they are so bulky and in the summer when it is hot you don't really need it.

    So glad he is having a fun time!!

    And thank goodness for girl cousins who give you the "scoop"!!! ha ha

    Have a Happy 4th Sondra!!

  4. Like Cherie said.. It's good you get the scoop!

    I know those times are expensive, but the lessons and fun from those places are priceless!

    You get to meet new friends, and you learn so many good things...

    I wish I would have gone to EFY in my youth. I so wish it.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I have heard of him. I'm glad that all went well. I'm a bit surprised that they had the kids go. The water has been SO high this year. Our ward youth are going on a youth conference up above Jenny's Lake and rafting, I'm a bit nervous about it.
    Sounds like they had so much fun, I'm glad they do that for the youth. We have a bunch of EFY advisors in our ward. Great program.
