
Monday, June 1, 2009

New Living Room

Because I am very long winded.. This ended up being a long post. *wink*

This was my living room before. I had lavender/grey walls, blue curtains with the lavender in them, a sofa and love seat that I purchased used. I have wanted to update my furniture for a while now. They were old, every time you sat down the pillows were a mess. Some of the pillows had been chewed on my by dog (who has passed away) and the buttons on the seat were warn through, plus there were some stains on them that I couldn't get out (from my dog again).

With the couches being really old ... they are lower to the ground and you have to struggle to get out of them... Maybe you know what I am talking about.

My couches have seen better days... They looked good, only because I camouflage the bad parts with a throw and putting the chewed on pillows on the back row of the pillows - upside down.. whatever I could to make they look good...

You gotta do what you can with what you have and love it - LOL!
For a while now, I have been looking at ad's for the best deal - usually on a holiday ad. RC Willey has had a great deal before, but I talked myself out of purchasing them. "My couches were fine.. I didn't need new", I kept telling myself.

However after the sale, I was sad I didn't go get them. I've been waiting for that great deal to come back and over Memorial Day weekend it did!!

The door buster was a couch and love seat for $399... saving $570... Woo Hoo. I was sold! They were the style I wanted for my living room. Doors opened at 9am.... but I was sitting in line by 7am to make sure I could get them. There were only 30 per store. I was around 10th in line.. Woo hoo... They were mine! By the time the store opened the line was wrapped around the building - it was crazy.

The doors opened and I was pointed in the direction of the doorbuster sofa and love seat.... I sat on them and fell in love. They were meant to be mine!! I scheduled delivery for the next Saturday so that I didn't have to take off work.

In the mean time, I decided to re-paint my walls. Get rid of the lavender (I know - what was I thinking when I painted them that color - although I liked it).

I wanted a brown color... So many to choose from.
I chose a color called basket weave - the first color below. I loved it and got busy painting my living room. However, Jason and Sharon came over and told me it looked green... HUH??? I was sad... I wanted someone to come into my home and feel "at home" not wonder why I have puke (from my kids) on the wall... I was sad - but finished painting the whole living room anyway.

The next day I kept looking at it... It didn't look green to me. Brady and I took all the paint chips and put them next to the fireplace rock. He chose another color and I went and bought the paint. I started painting a small wall by the fireplace. I wasn't happy with the new color - it had the same cool / pink tone as the lavender had. I just could NOT continue... because I wanted more of a yellow/brown tone.
Sooooo I picked another color and painted a strip on the other side of the fire place. I looked at all three colors on the wall for a whole day. Thinking and thinking what I should do.

I finally decided that I didn't care what my children thought - I was going to go with my choice and if it looked bad when the furniture came, I would paint it again.

So I painted the walls again (the area with paint color 2 and 3) and the living room was done, waiting for the furniture. I also purchase new curtains at 50% off. I ironed and hung them...
The room was looking fabulous - even with out the new furniture.. I was totally loving the room!

Saturday came and they delivered the couch and love seat. The paint color was perfect.. It is more then I ever thought I would have or achieve... I am very happy with the out come.

Oh, and I HAD to purchase a new rug to go in front of the love seat. I'd love to have a new coffee table - with a darker stain on it... but for now, my old one is fine.

Here is what you are waiting for - Ta Da!!

The couches have a suede / micro fiber texture to them. Very plush and comfortable. The curtain tassels have beads on them. The texture of the curtains is a very "rich" silky texture with a thread of gold through them that matches the paint color.
The new rug has great color and circles like the pillows. It all ties in together nicely.
I had to purchase a new throw to put on the chair - to tie it into the color scheme.

Looking into the TV room, I have taken down the wall paper and am getting ready to prime and paint it.

As a side note: I am really excited that Brady's bathroom and bedroom upstairs are the last places that have wall paper on them... I almost have it gone - out of my house... Hooray! I love it and am VERY happy. I feel soooo up to date!


  1. HEY...First to comment. Lucky me. Maybe I should go to bed.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new front room. It is absolutely beautiful. Don't you just walk in and out so you can admire it 10 different ways. And then you probably sit on that great sofa, and take it all in.

    You did a wonderful job. I'm looking forward to seeing your TV room.

    Good job. And a great deal on your furniture.

  2. are color/furniture twin! My L.R. is also getting a much needed redo and I LOVED seeing great minds think alike when I saw your color palette and the couches!

    VERY close to my new look. VERY!

    LOVE it! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!

  3. Your front room looks wonderful! I really need to come and see all these changes/updates you are making to your house in person.

  4. Beautiful! What more can I say?

    btw, I have 2 daughters who LOVE purple and would have picked lavendar in a heart beat!

  5. How pretty...I love it! You were very dedicated to gettin' that couch! With that long line it is good you went early!

    BTW...thank you SO much for the Twilight goodies! I saw the NM trailer the other night. The still photos are so great...makes me excited for the movie!

  6. Oh how much fun!!!

    I love new-room make-overs!!
    You did such a great job! going to the sales.. testing the paint.. Your work paid off! It looks GREAT!!

    In my interior design classes they always taught that browns and tans make you feel warm. Bright colors and whites make you feel cool.. so if you want warmth and comfort.. you picked right!!

    I LOL at your wallpaper comment..
    Your going to be taking it down, and I'm going to be putting it up in a few places.. :)
    I'm not ever the norm.. the trend..
    ha-ha.. Too funny.

    I look foward to see the rest of the rooms when they are completed!!

  7. It looks really nice. I love the new furniture. It makes me want to get my house painted. Hmmm might work on that before we see you over the 4th. Also wondering about the New Moon trailer. It doesn't look like it follows the book on Sam finding her and how she finds out about Jacob. It's hard to tell.

  8. Sondra your living room looks absolutely fabulous!!

    I love all the colors you chose, it looks so warm and inviting:)

    There is such a feeling of satisfaction being able to do things yourself!!

    Good job woman :D

  9. Love it and I think that the color is great. I love the rug - it is so modern and fun and updated!!!!

  10. I love seeing "before and after" photos!

    The color scheme you have chosen is awesome and something I would like to do in my home!

    Yes, it is a feeling of satisfaction to make what you have "work and love it", but it is fun to finally get a LOOK that you love!!

    I love the "Swirl" rug!! Yes, I would say that you are very "up-to-date" and modern!!

    Your home has a "homey", relaxed, inviting and comfortable feel to it! You definitely achieved that!

    I love your enthusiasm for life and it shows through in all of your posts and comments you make to others!

    Thanks for being such a wonderful example to all of us! Enjoy your day!

  11. I love the new look too----------look very cool and ah, better then lavendar. everything went together really well. (not that I am a fashion guru or anything)

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