
Monday, June 29, 2009

Decorating for the 4th of July

I think the 4th of July is one of the most important holidays! I think it is important to show my patriotism, to show my children the love I have for my country.

The struggle for liberty and freedom is one of the greatest battles we are experiencing in our world today. It is imperative that our children and families grow up appreciating their freedoms and the privilege of living in this land which is "choice above all other lands." (Ether 2:10)
This is the front of my home. My US flag is hung proudly! Last year I found that cute Uncle Sam wind sock. I have small flags stuck in the ground in front of my landscaping across the front of my home.
Many years ago when I was living in Salt Lake, I purchased this Uncle Sam at the Quilted Bear. He's had a few fixes in that time - new hat, new beard, new jacket.. But he is still my favorite decoration. Isn't he cute?
This hangs on my front door.... from Home Interiors.
This hangs in my front doorway, by my mail box. I found this at the D.I. for a few dollars several years ago. Love it - it was a great find.
This is my glass table.
A closer look..... the metal Statue of Liberty is from Home Interiors. After 9/11, I had to purchase this statue of firemen and policemen. I hope we never forget 9/11......
On the other side is an Eagle holding a flag and another metal Uncle Sam from Home Interiors. The metal figures hold a tea light and light up...
My coffee table with three wooden stars - Red, White and Blue.
Another Metal 4th of July tea light lamp from Home Interiors. The little rag/button doll was another find at the D.I. The little Denim Kids marching in their 4th of July parade from Home Interiors.
Another Denim Kid figurine from Home Interior... Are you feeling the Spirit of Patriotism yet?
One of my customer's is a shop-o-holic and sends sacks of hand me downs with me all the time. Last year she sent this cute throw and a couple of years ago she gave the weird looking Uncle Sam. I love it though... I love free things... I am like her Thrift Store donation.... then I go through all her sacks of treasures and pull out what I want and send the rest to the D.I..
This is my fire place.
I love this picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.. Love it! It's from a calendar I once had. I had to save it and use it with my 4th of July decorations. One day I'll frame it.
Last year this was my new purchase. I love finding cool 4th of July stuff. Slowly I'm getting quite a lot of great items for this holiday.
My Piano....
I love this cute Lady Liberty... It was found at the Quilted Bear when I purchase the Uncle Sam on my front porch. I sure miss the Quilted Bear!!!!

Teaching our children to be patriotic, to know and understand the Constitution as the source of their freedoms, and to be willing to sacrifice to maintain their liberty is akin to hoisting our own title of Liberty.

President Gordon B. Hinkley said:

"I believe in America. I am grateful for the Constitution under which this nation lives and moves and has its being. I am profoundly grateful that somehow for more than two centuries of time we have existed as a nation and grown to become the strongest and most free in the entire world. I am grateful for those men whom the God in heaven raised up and inspired and who pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish this nation and its government.

I believe in America - one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We are, of course, not without fault. We have more than our share of crime and of every other evil to be found on earth. I fear that we have become an arrogant people, but when all is said and done there is no other nation quite like this nation.


  1. Very nice as usual...I love your posts with your decorations. I have out one Annalee mouse and I can't seem to find my tote in the basement with the rest of my stuff. I think Dr. Hubby pushed it to the back during our cleanout...I guess I'll have to wait til next year!

  2. WOW! I always love your decorations and wish that I had the time and money to do it . . . although you probably aren't spending money, so maybe I just need more time!

  3. My family room, kitchen, and dining room are a patriotic theme - Red, white and blue and so I feel like I have the American spirit all year round!!

    Sondra I love all of your decor as I watch your posts through out the year. You are so fun and such a holiday person!!

    This was a great post. It is super important to teach our kids why America is great and why we should always fight for our freedoms and our way of life.

    Have a GREAT day girl!!

  4. LOVE IT!I really love the picture on your fireplace of the signers of the Declaration of Independance!
    Beautifully done, thanks for sharing.

  5. You ooze patriotism girl!

    I love to see the things you love and decorate with. It always tells alot about people. I have about 1/4 of the stuff you do! :) It comes with time!!

    I love the funky Uncle Sam doll. Don't know why, but I think he's adorable...

  6. As always it looks great. We can't wait to spend the weekend with you. Thanks for letting Brady go to AFY with Autumn I know they are having a blast and he has been so much fun to have around. We love you guys!

  7. I love how patriotic you are! We need more people in this world like you. I love this country and look forward to this time of year when we get to celebrate the freedom we all enjoy.

  8. I loved looking at how you decorated for the fourth of July. This is by far my favorite holiday.
    I love the picture you have of the signing of the Declaration.
    Let's hope our freedom keeps going.
    It is a little scary right now.

  9. Your blue house lends itself beautifully to being decorated for the 4th! Great decorations inside and out! I love your patriotism!

  10. Hey Sondra! I hope your having a great week! I just wanted to let you know how much that scripture you posted from Ether hits so home to me of my strong conviction for love of this nation! I'm so excited for the fourth!!!!

    Great Decor! And I love...LOVE the picture from the calendar!

  11. Great job decorating and happy 4th of July to you and your family:)

  12. LOVE...your 4th of July decorations. Fun and festive. It's such a great holiday to celebrate.
