
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Iris Blooms

My Iris' are in bloom. I love the majesty of these flowers. They are so big and beautiful.
They really make a statement when there are so many flowers blooming at the same time.
I've been working hard at getting my pots planted. I'm really excited that the fuchsia has big buds. These are the same fuchsias I purchased for 75 cents during Fred Meyers fuchsia and geranium weekend.
I now have 2 beautiful pots planted by my door way. It will be nice when all of my flowers get huge and fill these pots and flower beds with all of their majesty. I love this time of year!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks great! Want to come work in my yard?

  3. Your flowers look beautiful. Every year I say I'm going to plant tulips and iris's. And I NEVER DO. I sure love them though.

    It's nice to sit in your yard and enjoy it after spending hours in it.

    And...when did Fred Meyer have a geranium .75 sale? DANG. I would have found a Fred Meyers for that deal.
    Have a good day.

  4. Fun and very springy. Love it!

  5. I used to have a wonderful Iris garden, until my husband couldn't keep up with it and the last time we split them he never replanted them. I was so sad because we had prize winners for Schreiner's nursery. Dusty Miller was my favorite, and huge dark purple/blue gorgeous.


  7. I was wrong, the flower is Dusky Challenger.

  8. Beautiful! Beautiful!

    I love Iris's. I want some!
    After we get all of our beds mapped out in the back and curbing eveywhere, they will be a must to plant!

    Your pots look so good! Love those spikes!

    Thanks for the wall tips! I need it!

  9. I love all your flowers. The only ones we have at my house are rose bushes and I HATE them! (I don't hate roses- just the bushes). I wish I would have gotten a green thumb like the Murray's....

  10. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your flowers! I don't think there is anything more Heavenly than flowers!

    Iris's remind me of my grandma. I need to plant some in my yard!


  11. I love flower pots, hanging pots, flower beds -----------they just make you so happy and brings beauty to our lives don't ya think

  12. Your flowers look gorgeous! I don't have much of a green thumb, but I love seeing other people's gardens.

  13. We moved into our house 7 years ago. There were hundreds of irises growing. We have thinned them out, re-planted them, given some away, and still have lots to enjoy.
    Your irises are beautiful!
