
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Flowers!

Oh how I love Spring!!! I love how the earth starts to awaken, flowers bloom, there is popcorn on the trees and the grass is green. After a long cold winter, it's nice to have milder weather. I love being outside enjoying the beauty that surrounds me.
I love daffodils! Last year I was able to get several bulbs in the ground after a 75% off sale.
The colors of some of the tulips we planted are magnificent!
I also love the plants that remind me of "Jesus".. like this bleeding heart.... each drop of blood our Savior shed for us - because he loves us!
Here are some pictures of the seeds I planted. They are finally looking good after putting them in my kitchen window. They were looking really sad and didn't have enough sun in the craft room... I was about to give up. Finally I put them in the window seal and now they are thriving. They just needed sun. I'm happy to see that the tomato plants look like tomato plants now.
Here are my trays of Geraniums and Fuchsias I purchased at Fred Meyers for 75 cents a plant. They are growing big too - I need to plant them soon!
You can see the Fuchsia is starting to bloom.
I have one bush in my berm that is a "popcorn" tree... Yeah!
My berm is finally looking like spring with all the bulbs starting to bloom.
I love the green grass, the Iris's are starting to grow and you can also see my Peonies are growing too at the back of the picture. Aaaahhhh the smell and beauty of a lilac bush... Filled with flowers this year! I love this time of year!


  1. iWe woke up to snow, more snow, and more wet snow. WE got about 3 inches, but it is going to melt fast :)

    Come check out my blog @ gave you an award!

    YAY! You deserve it :)

  2. You have a lilac bush? Jealous.. So jealous. It's seriously my favorite scent...

    Your yard looks beautiful!
    Your little seed-plants look amazing!!

  3. Ahhh...I can smell that lilac bush...second one I have seen on the web this afternoon...I love a bleeding heart...such a neat plant.

  4. Sondra, your flowers are gorgeous!! We are still cold here.

    I love spring flowers. Every year I think I'm going to plant them, and then fall comes and before I know it, I didn't get them planted.

    Love your lilac tree. We have lilac trees, but they still have a few more weeks before they bloom. They don't last as long as I would like them to though.
    Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers with someone that doesn't have any!
    Have a great day.

  5. Beautiful!!! Maybe we will do flowers again this year!

  6. Your flowers are gorgeous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bleeding heart. I have never had one of those plants (don't know why??) but I always think they are so neat!
    I am glad it is finally starting to warm up.

  7. Sondra...we will all be doing starting weights tomorrow so you can join us! We haven't begun to even try dieting yet...matter of fact...I have been like a squirrel storing food for the winter...LOL! You don't have to tell your number if you don't want to...just drop by and say you are joining in...then next week you can weigh and just tell us the number of pounds you lost/gained.

  8. Wow! You have SO much beauty going on in your yard and in your home!! I can't wait until we get some of that where we live.

    I everything you have planted in your favorite are the bleeding hearts. They smell SO good and are just gorgeous. Lilacs are second favorite!!

    That is awesome that you have tomatoes plants to put in your garden that you grew from seeds yourself!

    It's such a great feeling putting in the work of a garden and reaping the benefits of it at harvest time.

    Thanks for sharing some SUNSHINE on this rainy, gloomy day!

  9. Wow what a great beauty.I love yard.add some more collection.....??
