
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Super Mom

Some days it seems that I am working on the ever quest of being a Super Mom!! Ta DA da DA!
(Warning - long blog (sorry).

While I try and try, it seems exhausting and never achievable. This week has been one of those busy weeks and while I do it to myself, I get exhausted. There should be a big sign on my forehead that says "Yes" and "I am a people pleaser" and "Ask me, I'll do it" because this is who I am. I think I am more driven that I know my life as a full time Mom is quickly slipping away. Time goes by very quickly and I know the next 3 1/2 years will fly by and Brady will be out of high school and off to college and then a mission. I feel that I need to make the most of these few short years, even if it tires me out a bit.

I am such a home body that when I make plans to do things on top of my regular schedule, it takes everything out of me...... Here is a brief overview of my week.

Thursday was fill the temple day for our ward. After work I attended a session at the temple.

Friday I needed to get everything ready for the party of Saturday. I hit the stores to get the few items I needed. I set up the table, chairs and decorations so that I wouldn't have to worry about it Saturday morning. I then settled into preparing the craft kits to be kid friendly.

I pulled out the glue dots because I didn't want to deal with glue guns or Elmer's runny, slow drying glue. I put glue dots on every piece in every valentine craft kit for the party.
The door hanger bear was purchased from Oriental Trading Co for $5.99 a kit of quantity 12. The Bear Book marker was purchased at Joann's for $2.99 a kit of quantity 18. I thought it was a great deal for all of my children. Quick and easy! With the glue dots already on each piece it was a breeze and didn't take the children long to put these together. All the boys and girls had to do was to peel off the paper and stick together. This task took several hours to put on every piece - but well worth it. That was my Friday night.

Saturday was the party and clean up then start to work on my business taxes so that I can get them to my accountant soon. Really, I'd like to get them mailed off by Saturday and need to finalize all of my information. Sunday we had a special Stake Conference - we'll have 3 this year. It wasn't on the calendar and I kept trying to figure out why we would have a special Stake Conference. I thought maybe we would get a new Stake Presidency - but I was wrong. It was just normal - nothing out the ordinary. We did have a member of the Presidency of the 70's although I didn't catch his name.

It was an excellent and uplifting meeting.
Before the meeting began, I was sitting there minding my own business when the High Priest group leader approached me and explained that our ward had a temple assignment on Tuesday night to do initatories. He asked if I would do it. Remember the "yes" tattooed on my forehead -- I said yes. The other reason is because I haven't done this since I went through my first time.
When I returned home I realized that I had Brady's devotional on Wednesday and just shook my head that I said yes.

Monday I work all day and all evening and got home around 8:30 pm... Day totally blown to work on Brady's devotional.
Tuesday ... I kept thinking how I could get out of my assignment to the temple - how bad is that.??? In order to get Brady's devotional stuff ready.

Tuesday's work day was long.... I got home so late that Brady missed his piano lessons at 4 pm.. When I got home I went into a full blown dash to get ready. I decided to make traditional white bread in my bread machine for the cinnamon rolls. I took a shower, did my hair, ran to the store for Cupid Poop - OK... I ran to SEVERAL stores for Cupid Poop. Came home and rolled out the bread dough and knew immediately that it wasn't going to work very well - I was trying to hurry the process along.

I was frustrated because I needed to get to the temple. I gave Brady the instructions to cook the cinnamon rolls and gave him frosting in a can that I tinted pink and then I left for the temple.
Aaaahhh the temple experience was WONDERFUL... I LOVED it... I think it is one of the best times I have had doing temple work. If you haven't done initatories lately - you should try to get in and do it. The words are wonderful and I have pondered them all day as I worked yesterday. It was a very nice experience. I am glad I went again.

I came home and Brady did have the cinnamon rolls ready. They are tiny and they were not very moist. I was frustrated a bit for my lack of time... the perfectionist in me has a hard time when everything isn't perfect. I decided to let it go and wrap them individually and they would just have to deal with dry cinnamon rolls.
So much for the perfect super mom.... it's just me .... a mear regular mom who runs out of time, over schedules herself and goes, goes, goes. I think I can start resting now.

One thing I do know and love is this quote:

Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but what happens inside of you.
President Harold B. Lee.

I am enjoying the journey and am glad I took time to attend the temple and enjoy the love around me during this season of my life.


  1. LOL! Those where cinnamon rolls.. not sugar cookies! My bad.. But they still look great!

    You are one busy momma. I hope things settle down for you soon.

    I love initatory work. I love it!
    I do that work more than any other when I go..

    Good job saying "yes" with the temple work.. If you serve the Lord, I truly believe all other thinks work out the rest of the week!

  2. I try to be Super Mom sometimes too. It stresses me out and then I lay back and take a realistic look at what needs done.

  3. Sondra it sounds like you had too much on your plate this week but Kudo's for getting it all done.

    I too used to have the "yes" tatooed on my forhead and a couple years ago I had it removed - it was kind of a tough surgery but worth it. I still feel guilty at times but I figured I just cannot do everything. I am sure going to the Temple twice gave you much needed strength and blessings.

    Elder Costa was the visiting GA and he was awesome. I loved how he directly addressed our economic woes and told us "Not to worry, the Lord was watching out for us and all would be well if we are obedient". I thought it was neat to hear that right from the pulpit and gives a peace, especially when you watch the news.

    Hope you have a chance to kick up your feet, order out and relax this weekend!

  4. don't sell yourself short, super mom!

    I sometimes feel the same way as you, but I have started practicing using a magical 2 word phrase: no thanks! (maybe some other time).

    I loved the to do list you had posted.

  5. I just have to say that I have had to take a step back sometimes so that I can do more for family. I usually now say 'no' to those things that are not related to my family! You are wonderful and do SO much! The temple was a good choice though! Love you tons!

    P.S. We are going to be up on March 21st. Maybe we can work it out to say hi!

  6. You sound just like me. I LOVE to say yes to people but then always run out of steam and make my self sick. REALLY. The bathroom! Yikes!!

    You really are a super mom. You sound so sweet and genuine and I look forward to getting to know you better. I'm so glad you were able to attend the temple even though the perfectionist wanted to continue on full speed. I agree with Cherie. You might want to think about having that tattoo removed for "Yes I'll do it"

    But, you seem like me to where you like to say yes but then just get too much on your plate! I hope this weekend brings in MUCH needed rest to you, who has earned it! ~Tierra

  7. I know you are Super Mom. You amaze me all that you do.

  8. Your blog is wonderful. I'm so glad to find it. You are a very creative mom. I'll be back to read more. Hugs.

  9. First time visiting your blog, and I think we have a lot in common. I posted something that happened to me a few weeks ago, because my life is somewhat like yours. CRAZY!
    AND YES...enjoy the kids. They do grow up so fast. Sent a boy on a mission in November. Where did the time go?
    Loved your blog. I'll check back a lot! Thanks,

  10. You are truly amazing. I am glad that there are people I can relate too. Working full time, being a member of the church (Calling in YW), having a family and 2 busy boys, and being OCD on top of that is a lot of work. :) But I sure feel good when I accomplish and help all the people I do and If and when I decide to say no - I sure feel horrible.

    Brian and I just did initiatory work on my Birthday last year and we are doing sealings in 7 days. I am way excited!

    Thanks for the note you left on my Blog. I love hearing from you. Tell Brady and Jason HI and Happy Valentine's!
