
Wednesday, February 18, 2009


What a birthday! A wonderful birthday! I feel very spoiled and loved.

Firstly to start off my birthday, I received beautiful and heartfelt birthday wished from all of my blogging family and friends. Thank you for all of the wonderful comments. You are very kind! Even if that is all I received for my birthday - I would have been beaming all day long in the wealth of great friends. Thank you again for making my day that much better!

When I returned home from work Jason, Brady and Sharon where in the TV room playing X-box and waiting for me. Jason had a new Zombie game he wanted to play with Brady. Jason and Sharon picked up Brady from school to set everything up for ME!
When I returned home I came into the kitchen and saw this... Ha! Ha! They know me through and through. A Twilight poster - how fun! Sharon yelled, "Don't open the box to your cake until we come in and watch you. Hmmmmm a yummy cake from Pastry Perfection. They all came into the kitchen and I opened the box to find a ..... drum roll..... Twilight birthday cake... PERFECT! That is soooooo Sah-Weet. I LOVE IT!
While I showered and got human again from working, Sharon when to KFC to pick up some fried chicken for dinner. Double birthday bonus ... no cooking for dinner .... a day off of cooking ....

Pampered... that is the word for this day. My children have gone the extra mile to pamper and spoil their Mom. I'm feeling the love...
Now that would have been great right there, but they had more fun up their sleeve. They took me to play miniature golf. But not just regular miniature golf, this was 3-D, black light, indoor miniature golf. It's just down the street from me right by "Big Lot's and Albertsons . It's called "Shankz" and I had NO idea that it was even there.
We put on our 3D glasses and started the course. Images popping out at you as you enter the into the course.
Look - I'm glowing underneath the florescent lights. The graphics on the walls were all hand painted. It was awesome.
They had really neat figures to hit your balls through on the course. Here we are in the jungle.
This is the same elephant sticking out from the wall - it's huge. You can't get the whole experience of the graphics with out the 3-D glasses.
Just a bunch of monkeys!
There were underwater scenes complete with pirate's and sunken ships.
And an Octopus. Isn't this cool?
They had dinosaurs and volcano's... Here we are two "HOT" ladies - LOL!
To end the tour, the owners were nice enough to take our pictures. One other announcement... I won the game :-)... I was -1 par, Jason hit the par at 0, Brady was +2 on par and poor Sharon was +10 on par. I actually had 2 hole's in 1... It was a LUCKY day.

Now for the presents - the loot for the day.
I received and electric skillet - which I requested.. It's hard to come up with things to get me when I feel like I already have everything I need. I'm excited to use this!
Of course my new Twilight Poster. My bedroom is becoming a Twilight room. I may have to change the decorations to Red, White and Black and really get into it - He he...
47 Candles and my beautiful cake!

While we were eating KFC there was a knock at my front door. I went to answer it and low and behold who could it be?? But Cherie my blogging buddy with a present. Can you even believe how nice she is? I am very blessed and SPOILED. I should have grabbed the camera when you were here Cherie and had our picture taken. I was in such shock by your kindness that I didn't even think about it until you had left. I brought her in and showed her my cake and poster. It was fun. She made this card for me "Bloom where you are planted"... Isn't it cute? Hand made and from the heart for little old me... And she brought me a present too... You shouldn't have... really you shouldn't have.... But I LOVE it!
She said that it reminded her of me... Aahhhhhh... This little girl is called "Happiness" Free to sing, laugh, dance .... create. That is a beautiful Birthday wish... This is going to be my "Happiness" year. Thank you again for making my already wonderful birthday even brighter.

Here is all the loot... A VERY...VERY.... SPOILED..... MOM!!

I have to write down what the birthday card from my children said.. It makes me cry.

Mother, You're Loved and Appreciated
Children do not realize
As Children, we can't comprehend or fully realize
The meaning of a mother's love
how tender and how wise
Her patience and her guidance
her helpful, caring ways
The special thoughtful things she does to brighten up the days.

Years go by, before we know the depth of her concern,
The love in her protectiveness - it takes so long to learn.....
But as we grow, we understand,
for we look back to see,
through older eyes and wiser hearts,
her love and loyalty.

It's these and many other things
that make her grow more dear,
More admired and more appreciated with every passing year.

You're a wonderful mother.
You're a beautiful person.
You listen with your heart.
You're always giving.
You deserve the best.

Happy Birthday with Love, Jason, Sharon and Brady.

Thank you ... EVERYONE .... The phone calls, the wishes, the presents and my wonderful children. This has been a special wonderful day. I AM filled with happiness.


  1. What a GREAT Day! You should have seen my eyes when I got to the twilight cake! Your kids ROCK! And you deserved every minute of the spoiling!

    May I just say again, Happy Birthday and I'm so glad that you had such a Vamp-Tastic Day!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. I am sooo glad you had a "Happy" birthday! That is so fun that you live by Cherie! Such nice gifts and what a great night!

    You deserve it!! XO ~ Ann

  3. I think everyone should be totally spoiled on their birthdays so I am so glad you were! That cake rocked!! Your kids are awesome.

    It was so much fun to surprised you:D

  4. Wow Sondra. What an exciting Birthday. How much fun is the golf. We may need to come see you so we can play also. What great kids and your gifts WOW. Autumn is going to die when she sees the cake. You are so blessed and loved. We thought about you all day but just didn't get you called. So sorry. The card they gave you almost made me cry... Love you lots and miss you.

  5. I am grinning from ear to ear. Spoiled - yes; but well deserved for sure!!! The golf looked like SO much fun! You'll have to let us all know where it is and the details! Love you and so glad that your day was special!

  6. OH MY WORD! The card from your kids made me a little teary. What a great day you had.

    I love the name of your blog. It's great. Have a good day. And tell your kids how great they are.

  7. AWESOME children!!! Way to go--kiddos :) What a lucky mother to have children so aware of your needs/wants and then their efforts to make their mama happy!
