
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brady's First Time Snow Skiing

Brady finally had the opportunity to go snow skiing. Our wonderful Young Men's presidency took the boys night skiing at Bogus Basin Friday Night (located 16 miles from Boise Idaho). The leaders had equipment to loan him so we didn't have to rent it.

Brady has NEVER been snow skiing before. I was excited and nervous for him. The first time I went snow skiing, it was really hard and I fell down a bunch. After that first difficult day I finally got it and loved it.

While I was in my teenage years, we went skiing quite a bit, but it wasn't as expensive as it is now. I skied at Pebble Creek Ski Resort - Just south of the City of Pocatello in South East Idaho. Mount Bonneville (Pebble Creek) is the highest mountain in the Portneuf Range.Brady had such a great time and the leaders were great teachers. He told me he caught on pretty good and would LOVE to go again. I was VERY happy for him. He didn't like the chair lift too much. I didn't either when I was a teenager, it is cold and long and I hated it when it stopped.
Since I didn't go with them, I don't have any pictures (shucks). They didn't get home until 10:45 PM and I was getting a little worried. But lucky for me, Brady's phone was actually turned on and he answered it. They were almost home.
We sat and talked about all the techniques he was taught. He really did learn a lot and it was probably through Br. van Den Akker's motivation.
Br. van Den Akker had his pockets full of gummy worms. He would reward his "little birdies" with feeding them gummy worms. Isn't that the funniest idea - to visualize it makes me smile. Brady loved being his "little birdie".
I guess I'll have to get my act together and take him from time to time since he enjoyed it so much. I haven't been in - oh 20 years or so - yikes time goes by fast.... but I believe once you learn how - It comes back really easy.
I love how he had this great opportunity through the men in our ward and that they were awesome teachers. Brady has so much potential to learn and experience new things. It's a wonderful program and I am very thankful to the service the leaders provide. We have been very blessed to live in the ward we do.
Thanks Br. van Den Akker, Br. Bake and Br. Lloyd - You are wonderful!


  1. To cutem the gummy worms match the rainbow colors going across the screen :)

    Leave it to me to point this out, LOL!

    Your lucky duck son, I've never been skiing but always wanted too!
    Glad to hear he had fun and was safe.

    Leaders to look up too and have fun with is such a great blessing.
    Next time, you'll have to go and take pics!

  2. A late night, but it sounds as if it was bunches of fun. I've never been downhill skiing, and I think given the opportunity, I would have to pass. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Don't you just love the YM program?
    Young men leaders are heaven sent.
    I'm so glad he had a good time.

    Living in UT you'd think I'd ski since we have the "Greatest Snow on Earth" according to our license plate. But I haven't.
    Have a great day.

  4. Good for Brady - Skiing is so much fun! We are lucky to have such a great little place to ski so close that the kids can go for activities.
