
Sunday, February 22, 2009

B-Day Present and Confessions of a Shopaholic

Looky - Looky!!! I received a birthday present from Ann Marie, my blogging buddy from Old Fashioned Girl. It came in the mail Saturday! I was excited to rip that baby open and see what it was.

Aaaaaaahhh LOOK! Isn't it beautiful?

A beautiful elegant picture frame. Of course the picture doesn't give it justice. It has a pearl essence that is breath taking. It has bling and lots of it. You can see the bling outline the photo as well as on the outside corners.

Thanks Ann Marie! I love it. It will always remind me of you and your love of vintage photo frames. I have always loved how you keep pictures of your family - front and center of the decoration of your home - every season ... every holiday. I'm very excited to put this to good use.. Now...... I just have to find the perfect picture of my family to put in it.

Yesterday my Mom came into town for a visit and to help me work this week. We (Mom, Brady and me) decided to go out to dinner at Sizzler. We originally wanted to go to Olive Garden, but the wait was toooooo long. We opted for Sizzler, which I love. I had my favorite broiled shrimp platter with a salad bar. Yum! Boy was I full. It was a nice dinner and then we were off to the movies.
We went to Confessions of a Shopaholic. I LOVED IT!! Very cute show. Very Cute!! I could see it again and again. It had a great message of the dangers of credit cards and bill collectors. Plus a love story, the love of two great parents, a love between friends, and finding a job that you love and can be successful in. We laughed and love it - no tears - Yeah! It was a really really good (feel good) movie. You should put it on your list to see.


  1. Sounds like so much fun! When is Grandma coming back?

  2. Used your advice on my toilet this weekend, and got rid of the hard water ring THANK YOU!

    I wasn't sure about Nights in Rodanthe (spelling?) either. I rented Eagle Eye, but we ran out of time and didn't get to watch it. That always bugs me.

    LOVED your picture frame. That was really nice.

    I can't listen to the Hillary Weeks song you have at the top of your blog because I have dial-up (CRUMMY) so...I went looking for it maybe purchase. What CD is it from. I did end up purchasing Hillary Weeks "If I Only Had Today" (really good). But I really want to listen to that song.
    Your blog is so fun to read.
    Have a great day.

  3. How cool! I am glad you liked Shopaholic! I loved it too! Your description was is definitely a lighthearted "feel-good" film. Didn't ya just love that anchor necklace?

  4. Sandra, I don't know if the Hillary Weeks song on my blog is on a CD. If it is - it is on a "Time out for Women" it's just a funny song. I love Hillary Weeks - the CD we have is: "Lead Me Home" and "The Collection".. I really love her too! Thanks for your comment.

    Zoey Michelle, I think grandma will only be here a week and return home next weekend. The weather doesn't look too good here next week - lots of rain.. I hope you don't get lots of snow. She may be snowed in and have to stay until the roads look good.

    Scrappy Girl - LOVED the anchor necklace -- loved everything. Great movie!

  5. Did you just mention shrimp platter?? OoooH your a woman with food choices to my heart. I likey. I love Shrimp!

    Oops moving on--> Stunning picture frame. Annhas great taste and great taste in deserving friends.

    Also, If I ship myself there, we can go see Confessions of a Shopaholic again, together.
    j/k LOL

    None of my lamo girlfriends want to go see it again:(
    They liked it, but not enough to go again... pretty party poopers if you ask me.

    You had a GREAT day! Fabulous for you!! :) !! Dont you just love those days???

    ~ Luvs. Tierra

  6. Yay! I'm glad you got it, and it wasn't broken! I hope it will go with something in your house.. You never know if people will like what you buy.. I'm glad it will at least remind you of me and our friendship..

    I also bought a pumise stone over the weekend.. I doubt I will use it until after we remodel the bathrooms because I can hardly stand to be in there for longer than 5 minutes at a time.. :(

    I saw Nights in Rodanthe when it came out in the theaters and hated it also.. I was hoping for alot since it's by the same author as the Notebook... I pretty much hate any movie that has a tragedy in it though..

    I saw shopaholic friday night and LOVED-LOVED it! I want to buy it when it comes out.. Those are my type of movies! Feel good-girlie-chick flicks!! Love ya!
