
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Update on my SparkPeople Diet/New Lifestyle

Things have been going great with my SparkPeople adventure. Here is what my numbers look like so far:

The calorie range that was set for me by the amount of weight I want to lose in this year is: 1200 - 1550. It's great that when you put in your food, you try to also keep everything within a healthy range - like proteins, calcium, fiber, vitamin C, iron, fats (which for some reason never ever hit - I'm always low... I need to use olive oil or something to get my fats up), potassium, carbohydrates, cholesterol and sodium. Sodium is something I always watch, it has to be less then 2300. When I am good with sodium, I find that water rushes out of my body (yes, I pee a lot). It has been great to not feel as bloated.

I started Tuesday 1/6: My calories 1, 135 and Sodium 1,844

Wednesday 1/7: My calories 1,321 and sodium 2,133

Thursday 1/8: My calories 1,208 and sodium 1,362

I am happy to say I have stayed within my calories and sodium range everyday.. Yeah for me... It's a great feeling to be able to say I am finally back on SparkPeople and really working towards my New Years resolution!!

I think it is pretty safe to say that I feel like I'm there - in the zone.... I will get the weight off this year!! I can do it... how's that for positive thinking.

I also have been doing my strength training. I do this Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do Cardio everyday (house cleaning counts). When the weather starts getting better or it's not so wet outside, I'll start walking and riding my bike again. The strength training I did Wednesday was a killer... Yes, it's a battle to get in shape again to do what I need to do. I did 24 crunches and it almost killed me - LOL!

If you are a SparkPeople member (it's free).. you can see what I eat everyday and what fitness I am doing. Plus I have a home page that I blog/journal my daily progress too. I'm going to keep my blog here up to date with my results because this is my real journal that I am printing off and making a book out of for my generations. They will be able to see how I battled weight and won!


  1. Sounds like you are doing great! You seem very upbeat and motivated! Keep it up! Manga Dork and I are doing good too. I am so proud of her...she is keeping up with it on her own!

  2. I'm so happy for you..
    It's funny. Everytime I see "Sparkpeople" I think it says "Sparkle" people, and I think of glittery Edward. Funny..
    So basically you are getting on a healthier lifestyle by Glittery Edward.. LOL!
    Can you tell I am not fully awake?

    Happy Weekend lady!
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Go Sondra! Glad to hear that you are doing so well!
