
Monday, January 12, 2009

SparkPeople Update and Weigh-in

Woo Hoo!!!!

I decided to start my weekly weigh-in's on Monday (even though I actually started on Tuesday last week). It's been 1 week and although it's not a 25 or 30 pound loss like on the Biggest Loser... it was a GREAT weight loss for 1 week... I lost ..... are you ready???

8 Pounds!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!

I also lost, 1/4" off of my neck, 2" off of my waist and 1" off of my hips!!

Here were my calorie totals for this weekend:

Saturday Calories 1,382 and sodium 2,425 -- over by 125 of goal

Sunday Calories 1,233 and sodium 1,787 -- Woo hoo... great day!!

As most of you know.... a year ago I lost 50 pounds and felt great. My goal was to lose 100 pounds -- yes... I am that over weight!.. I was a team leader and SparkPeople started intensifying and word got out about this great free web-site and tons of people were joining. It became so overwhelming for me .. along with being Primary President and owning my own business, being a single mom... Let me tell you - I just couldn't handle the pressure anymore and I decided to quit being a leader on the team and was replaced. Then I just couldn't do it anymore... it was too much... Slowly over the year the weight crept back on again. Just like Oprah - I'm glad she came out and got me motivated to start over again.

I am really, really sad that I quit. Yesterday I saw a post of a lady that started around the first time I started SparkPeople... But she didn't quit and to date, she has lost 117 pounds... Gosh... that could be me -- isn't that sad?? Then I would just be maintaining my weight instead of starting all over again. Oh well... all I can do is move forward and get the weight off this year. I KNOW I CAN DO IT!

I caught a re-run of the first day of Biggest Loser for this season on Saturday night. Boy that was very motivating. Just to hear the doctors discuss their health was huge for me. The weigh-in was insane... How do you lose 25 - 30 pounds in one week. WOW!! The answer is moving your body... moving... moving.... moving.... I need to pick up the pace on my exercise. I know that is the key.. I will keep the momentum going... It would be fantastic if I could lose more then 5 pounds a week ... ahhhhh the dream of quick weight loss... Maybe if I eat healthy and exercise a ton... Hmmmmm it's worth a shot... Here I go to the new skinny me - one day at a time!!


  1. YAY!
    8 pounds is GREAT!
    I love the biggest loser. I have only ever seen one season of it, but enjoyed it alot. It's the best reality tv in my opinion..

    I never get to sit and be a couch potato.. In fact during the day I very rarely get to sit.. I am always, chasing kids..moving..--you would think I could lose a ton by just being a Mom.. LOL.. Oh I wish..

  2. Great job Sondra! I am very excited for you!

  3. Congratulations! That is really motivating for me. I haven't got back into shape since I had a baby and that is over 1 year ago!!! I just can't keep away from the sweets...must be a genetic disorder.:)
