
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Teenager admits the Mother is right about Ice Skating :-)

I have to laugh now and again when my teenager admits that I may know a thing or two about life.

Here is the story:

Two weeks ago Brady and his teacher's quorum went to Ice World to go Ice Skating. Of course I always like to be prepared and told him to take gloves (for when he falls down on the ice) - a coat and socks. Brady wears only ankle length socks all the time. He will not wear socks that go on his calf no matter how much snow we get. Teenagers are weird! We had a battle when I MADE him wear his good wool socks that he has for camping. I knew he would get blisters if he didn't have good socks. It was a battle - but of course the Mom would not let him go without proper clothes... I am soooo very mean. Off he went to Ice World and had a fabulous time with the Young Men's group.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Brady was in Salt Lake City, Utah visiting his Dad. They decided to go ice skating. Of course his Dad is not as mean as his Mother is and didn't think to check on his socks. As Brady finished skating, he realised -- hay, this isn't much fun - Ouch-- I think I'm getting a sore. Yes, he did -- see evidence below...

When he returned home he told me that I was right... A teenager actually admitted that his mother knew a thing or two and I WAS RIGHT. I have to journal those rare moments - LOL!! I was right... I was right..... :-)

I know all about ice skating. I grew up ice skating. Growing up in the bitter cold winters in Pocatello, Idaho we made an ice skating pond in our back yard every year. Here is my oldest sister Christine on our ice skating pond.

This is my little brother Richard ice skating. We started as toddlers. Mom and Dad had these skates with 4 blade runners (like roller skates but were blades).

This is me - no ice skates but on the sled. However - you can see I am on the ice skating pond. We would swing the sled around the ice skating pond to knock off any bumps. That is how smart we were to make it smooth. (smart ingenious kids).

This is my other big sister Cindy with Richard in tow. Chris is in the back ground. It is really fun to find these great pictures and remember the fun we had as children.

Yes, I know all about ice skating Brady.


  1. What you were right? WOW what does that feel like? I wonder if I will ever get to blog one day that my teenager thinks I know something once in a while. Ahhh you give me great hope for the future. Look at the cute pictures of you all ice skating. That little brother of yours is sure cute.

  2. I love that you blogged about your rightness! :)You crack me up!

    I LOVE, LOVE your old flashback pictures! They make me happy!
    Especially you on the sled.. I have a similar sled I decorate with on my porch for the winter. It looks like yours there, and it's posted on my blog today.. Funny. You are lucky you grew up with such fun around you. I wish life was alot more simple like it used to be...

    Have a good day Sondra!

  3. Now THAT is a great story!! I love it!! You don't get to be right often when you have teenagers - ha ha.

    I love the old pictures too - Priceless:)
