
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Duty To God Celebration

Tonight we attended a dinner at our Stake house to recognize the boys who have earned their Duty to God certificate during the past year. It was a really nice evening. They served lasagna, salad, french bread and cookies. It was nice to visit with others from our ward and stake.

The boys were called up and recognized. There were 28 deacons (Brady was 1 of 3 in our ward), 15 Teachers and 3 Priests. The challenge was that each of these 28 deacons would earn both their teacher and priest Duty to God awards. That they would remain strong and steady as they grew.

The Stake Young Men's President spoke as well as the Stake President. Both talks were very motivating and we enjoyed them. I didn't have my camera which equals to NO pictures. I wanted to journal this wonderful night and say a "good job" to Brady for fulfilling all the requirements as a deacon to earn his Duty to God.