
Saturday, January 24, 2009

72 Hour Kits

This weekend I worked on getting my 72 hour kits organized. I admit, mine were a mess. A couple of months ago, Brady set his school backpack down and into dog poop. I couldn't get it to smell good again, so we took the items out of my 72 hour backpack kit and moved it all into a duffel bag we have. Then we gave Brady that backpack for school. Since then, I have a 72 hour kit, but just stuffed into the duffel bag... You can see it here - what a mess.

I took out the items and set them on the table to break the items up into the 2 new 72 hour kits I received this week. Here are some of the items I took out of the duffel bag.
Toilet paper, cottenelle wipes, wet ones, Vaseline, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mirror, hand warmers, first aid kit stuff, body wash, deodorant, Kleenex.
The food stuff, ramen noodles, cans of soup, fruit parfait, instant oatmeal, water, peanut butter, jam, crackers, cup of soup, cans of juice, gushers and fruit roll ups, granola bars.
Then to emergency blankets, matches, knifes, leather gloves, rope, garbage bags, flashlights, radio with cords to charge cell phone and card games.
I split the items and started filling the bags in the new kits.
Some for Brady's and some for me.
I kept adding and adding - but the kits would not close. I had too much. I had to rearranged the items and made sure all the air was out of the zip lock bags. I was finally able to get all this stuff in these two kits:
Brady's kit has:

Small first aid kit, body wash, deodorant, cottonelle wipes, wet ones, tooth brush and paste, comb, wash cloth, lip stuff, hand warmers, toilet paper, Kleenex, sunscreen packet.

2 cans Campbell's chicken noodle soup, 2 cans juice, 2 fruit parfait, 3 Lipton chicken noodle soup, 1 ramen noodle, 3 hot chocolate, 3 instant oatmeal, 5 packets of water, 3 gushers, 3 fruit roll ups, 3 granola bars, gum.

Leather gloves, emergency blanket, flashlight, knife and multi-tool, 2 garbage bags, matches, lighter.

Cards and game, pencil and notebook.

cash: 1-$20, 1-$10, 1-$5 and 10-$1

My kit:

Large first aid kit, body wash, deodorant, cottonelle wipes, wet ones, tooth brush and paste, comb, wash cloth, lip stuff, lotion, night cream, Vaseline, toilet paper, Kleenex, 2 sunscreen packet, sewing kit, safety pins
2 cans Campbell's soup, 2 cans juice, 2 fruit parfait, 3 Lipton chicken noodle soup, 1 ramen noodle, 3 hot chocolate, 3 instant oatmeal, 5 packets of water, 3 gushers, 3 fruit roll ups, 3 granola bars, gum.
Leather gloves, emergency blanket, wind up flashlight, solar/wind up radio with cords to charge phone and zune, knife, 2 garbage bags, matches, lighter.
Cards and game, pencil and notebook, small Book of Mormon, address book/emergency numbers.
cash: 2-$20, 2-$10, 2-$5 and 6-$1
(I will continue to add money to my kits. I'd like to have at least $100in small bills in each kit)

I will still keep the larger items in the duffel bag. I think it is important to keep all the items together so you can grab it quickly. Tent, shovel, rope, umbrellas, mess kits, stove, rain poncho (I have 1 and need to get another rain poncho) I will add food to this kit too - like the peanut butter, jam, crackers) There is a whistle too. Oh, and I need to put in the water purifier filled with bleach (that I received in church this week). In this closet are the sleeping bags and blow up mattresses. We also need to grab clothing for the kits. At least I have something ready to grab and go.
Here are the kits - stuffed full... and boy are they stuffed. I'd like to get back packs to wear and carry these kits. At least I am on my way in getting prepared for an emergency. I hope you are working on yours too. I still have 2 more 72 hour packs that are black - I am going to work on getting them filled to put in both of my cars.

This is the water storage I currently keep in the same closet I keep my 72 hour kit in. This is the closet in my new scrapbook room. I also have 10 gallons of water in my food storage closet. Water is so important during an emergency. I always try to keep quantity of 10, twenty four packs of water at all times.


  1. That is a really nice 72 hour kit.

  2. Sweet! I love to see things get organized! It makes me... HAPPY!

    I was going to ask you.. A few ladies in our ward clean homes, and for an Enrichment night some ladies were interested in ways to clean quickly, but well.
    Have you thought about sharing some tips?? They might be useful to some of us! ( like me that loathe cleaning toilets?? )

  3. I beyond doubt appreciate your articles and blogs
    food storage
