
Sunday, December 14, 2008

What color of the rainbow are you?

I love these little quizzes. I think it is interesting when you answer a few questions and it comes up with a result of who you are. What color are you?

Your rainbow is shaded indigo.


What is says about you: You are a proud person. You appreciate cities, technology, and other great things people have created. Friends count on you for being honest and insightful.

Find the colors of your rainbow at


  1. I was shaded 3 different colors...yellow, blue, and white. Interesting!

  2. I am Pink! Yay! ( my favorite color)
    It says: " You are a grateful person. You appreciate everyone around you. You are a good listener and your friends are glad to have you around in difficult times.. "

    These are fun quizes! Thanks~
