
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Christmas Decorating and SNOW!

Sunday we planned on going to the Meridian Symphony, but being the dough head I am - we went too early. I thought maybe it was canceled or something. We were there at 6:50 PM thinking it started at 7PM. However, there was not a soul anywhere around that school. When we came home, I checked on the calendar and it started at 7:30 pm. I was sad we missed it (if it was actually held and not canceled).

Instead of going to the symphony we decided to drive around and look at Christmas lights in our ward boundary. I was surprised that hardly anybody had lights up yet. It was kind of disappointing that I have more lights up then the (more wealthy) families in the ward - and I practically live in the ghetto... Brady says that is why items get stolen in front of my house all the time. Really though - I live in the old downtown portion of Meridian -- Old, old house and really small houses. But, it's all I can afford... We sometimes feel like we live in the "mission field" because there are no ward members even close to us.. When Brady wants to hang out with his friends, we have to drive him there... I hate it, but it's where we live.

There were a few houses that looked awesome. It was really fun driving around and enjoying the sites of Christmas... Brady was worried about the price of gas when we were driving around and if we could afford it - I told him I just had filled up at $1.47 a gallon.. It's amazing how cheap it has gotten. Anyway, it reminded me of when I was a little girl and that was one of the big things we did as a family - drive around to see the beautiful decorations the city put up along the streets. It was a BIG deal for us back then. Brady thought that was funny - but then I explained to him that we didn't have much back then - none of the hoopla kids have now - Christmas lights was a BIG thing and exciting for us. Ooooh the good old days when Christmas lights on telephone poles entertain the children!!!

We even drove down to see the Bakow's house and their neighborhood decorations. The Bakow's have a huge star on top of their house - it is awesome. Yeah! they have decorations outside their home - LOL! There was one house in their block that was covered in lights - totally awesome. I am glad we drove over there!!

Even though we didn't see the symphony, we had a great time together enjoying a Christmas feeling! Here are a couple more pictures of our decorated home.
Our home is completely transformed for Christmas. It is everywhere, in every nook and cranny! I will never be able to be minimalistic type of a girl. It is just not Christmas without it everywhere.
Our kitchen is full of gingerbread men (well mostly on the stove).

We love nutcrackers! This is our collection on top of the fridge.
Yes, we have a nativity in the kitchen too.
Another nativity from Home Interiors. It's also quite large and beautiful.
Aaaaahhhhh a skiff of snow Monday morning. It was so beautiful but only lasted for about an hour and melted. Snow really makes it feel like Christmas!
Friday night I finally got the decorations up outside. It does look beautiful!
Here is a wide shot of the winter wonderland and Christmas house. It looks beautiful at night too. I'll have to post a picture of the night time effect - which is stunning and awesome. Our nativity flag.. (a nativity outside too - LOL)
Santa's helper! Cindy, my sister painted this and gave it to us for Christmas a couple of years ago. She did such a great job - it is soooo cute!!


  1. YAY!! Christmas Decorations!
    I love to see them, and wow.. I thought I had alot. I LOVE that you do gingerbread men on the stove.. Such a good idea!

    I also love how the garland is draped in front of your home. It looks very pretty.

    Almost every neighbor has lights this year! More than ever. We went looking at lights sunday night, and oh do the kiddies enjoy it! We are very fortunate to be blessed with so many wonderful things in this country that bring us such joy..

    Glad you had some family time driving around..

  2. Sondra you are too funny! First of all your house is beautiful and no where near the ghetto! Taylor loves and I mean LOVES your house he always comes home and says "Brady's house is so awesome". I think he loves all your decor - all year round - and the spirit and love he feels there.

    I am glad you saw our star. Kurke has never done that before and we were all quite surprised that he did that.

    I have also noticed the lack of lights this year. I guess people are cutting back everywhere or are just too darned busy.

    Your house is so cute - I love all your Christmas decor. The nutcrackers are great!

  3. All your decorations look great! I have the Home Interiors nativity too! So pretty!

    I have to make a porch still has pumpkins on it. YIKES!

  4. Of course you can use the story.. You don't even have to ask.
    The only time I care when people take things is when it's a picture I have taken personally.. Then I would want people to ask..

    Thanks for your comments. We do the Christmas Pj's too. Love it!

  5. I have the same tiny gingerbread in my kitchen but I REALLY WANT that big one! Is it home interiors?? I am glad you enjoyed the snow. Jason was driving back to Poky on icy roads so I was hating it. But it does make it feel like Christmas time. Hope to see you soon!
