
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lose Weight for FREE

If you haven't heard, there is a terrific place on the Internet that provides and excellent resource to help you lose weight. Best of all it is FREE!!!

Last year I found this great site and lost 50 pounds. There are so many tools to help you track your food, how much water you drink, the nutrition you get when you eat that food, track your fitness, track your weight loss by weekly weigh ins, a place for great recipes, support groups, motivational information ...... I could go on and on of the wonderful tools this site has but it would take me days.

I am starting again today because this really works if you follow the program. I want to lose my weight, as I am tired of being FAT!!!! I refuse to pay anyone to help me lose weight... I refuse to starve myself....... I refuse to think you can lose weight by gimmicks..... I know it is a long process and there are NO quick fixes.
On SparkPeople you have a SparkPage like you have in facebook or myspace. You belong to a team and work with other people who know what your going through and who are on the journey of losing weight too. It is totally FABULOUS!!!
My user name is: think2bfit
If you decide to join SparkPeople, put my user name in as recommendation. You get SparkPoints when you refer someone. The SparkPoints don't mean anything other then motivation. You earn them as you track food, drink water, post on the message boards and lots of other ways. It is all motivational. As your SparkPoints grow, you receive different virtual trophies. You can also purchase virtual prizes for friends or yourself. It's all in fun.
You can follow their diet, or input your own. You can load up your own recipes and the system tells you what the calorie count is. The whole point is eating correctly and healthy - but most importantly trying to stay within a calorie goal per your weight loss goal. The thing I REALLY love from the food tracker is that it breaks down the nutrition you receive from what you are eating. It is a real eye opener because even though we are FAT we can be malnutritioned - by not eating the nutrients our body needs. This helped me understand how to get my body healthy as I got thinner.

You have to work on fitness too. I was walking everyday and doing strength training in my home daily. They provide you with a fitness plan and even give demonstrations on how to do the exercises.
Over all if your goal this year is to lose weight, get healthy or be on a fitness plan... there is no better FREE tracking tool then SparkPeople. I hope you will all take advantage of this wonderful service. It's is fun if you join in the message boards and track what you do daily. Good luck in having today be the first day of a new healthier you!!


  1. How cool. Free too.
    I got Wii fit for Christmas, and I am going to try that out this year. The heavy snow I have been shoveling has been an awesome workout though! ;)

  2. That sounds interesting...I may have to give it a try...weight loss is definitely one of my new years resolutions.
