
Monday, November 10, 2008

Saluting All Veterans Today

I am very thankful for the sacrifice and service from our military and veterans. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication in keeping this great land free and safe. If it were not for these wonderful men and women, we would not have the freedoms we enjoy and the safety within the United States and plus outside the United States as your service has freed many people from terrorism.

For the families of our soldiers, thank you for your sacrifice. I cannot imagine how hard it would be each day as your loved one is out fighting. The financial sacrifices you make too - I know it doesn't pay a lot.

For those who have been injured or families who have lost their soldier in battle, I am sorry for your loss. I also thank you for the sacrifice for the causes we fight for.

Thanks for the national guard and military that help during natural disasters and for your help each day for regular people like me. You are awesome women and men and truly deserve our thanks!

Thank You!!!!

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