
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Down with Halloween Decorations and Up with Thanks Giving

As I start this new month, my goal is to share something I am grateful for each day. Today, I am very thankful that I live in a free country. A land of opportunity where I can work for myself and make a living for my family. I love living in a small western state, where life is a little slower and I can be myself and happy. I love the United States of America! We are a great land and a great people!

It is November 1st already, it is now time for a change of decorations. Thanks Giving is the new theme for my home and I need a change. I am always ready after a month to re-decorate. It's time to re-freshen everything in my home and clean, clean...clean as the transformation from spooky to thankfulness. It's a whirl wind as I go through the house changing everything. It can be so very messy - but by the end of the day, it's tidy and new. I love the feeling of change which is why I love to decorate.

I actually forgot to hang this for Halloween. I made this from a straw hat several years ago and I still love it!

I have to change the flag outside to my Turkey flag.... gobble gobble!

Turkeys Welcome adorn my front door. I sure hope you'll come and visit my blog site often!

Down comes the haunted village and up come my Indians and Pilgrims... don't forget the horn of plenty and a turkey too.

My bird cage is all decorated (I don't believe I posted it for Halloween). Here is a close up of the cute Pilgrims on the bottom of the bird cage. I had a mummy there for Halloween (but didn't take a picture of it... maybe next year).

The top of my piano changed from witches and ghosts to more Indians and Pilgrims. I still use the same flower arrangement my Mom made for me several years ago.

The change on the coffee table from sculls and goblins to funky turkeys (don't you love the big pine cone turkey - its very retro.

The shelf in my bathroom for tea towels goes from Halloween bats to more Thank Giving Pilgrims and turkeys.

My kitchen table... guess what??? More Turkeys and Pilgrims... I think I have a theme going on here. The doily is one my Mom made when she was younger that I have snatched (Lucky me).

The window in front of my kitchen sink. From cauldrons, ghosts and Frankenstein... to a bountiful harvest and Indians.

Lastly my cute build-a-bear on my bed all dressed up as a TURKEY! Awwwww so cute!

I enjoy this time of year where we can have an attitude of gratitude!


  1. I loved that little tour through the change of your decorations! I also spied some Home Interiors & Gifts items (I used to be a consultant). That birdcage came out while I was selling. Love it! I sold mine to a desperate customer! LOL I used it when I did my BIL and SIL's wedding. Love that you are going to share something you are grateful for each you mind if I "bloglift" that idea? I would like to add it to the bottom of each November post! Let me know!

  2. Sure scrappy girl, you can bloglift that idea..LOL... It's not like I didn't take your great picture and idea. My other friend, Ann Marie (old fashion girl) does gratitude blogs once a month since I have been following her. It is always a great read and reminder to have an attitude of gratitude.

  3. I saw the Thanksgiving video above.. ( cats get blamed for everything! ) He-He!

    Loved your little decoration changing post. What fun! You have WAY more turkeys and Pilgrims than I do.. Very fun!! Love the build a bear alot...

    I love the Grateful moment each day. I'm going to do something about gratitude ( a little different ) throughout the month too! Have a good day!

  4. Love all your November decorations. I wish I had your energy, Halloween has absolutely pooped me out for few days:)

    We enjoyed having Brady over the other night - He is such a great kid!
