
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Book Review "A Familiar Ring" by RK Terry

I seriously LOVE this book. Actually this is the 3rd time I have read it. My copy is somewhere within my family (I don't know where). When this book was part of the stack Marilee gave me, I was really excited to read it again and it is still just as good as the first time I read it.

This book is probably in my top 10 books that I love and can read again and again.

It is about a heart broken man who can't handle life anymore and becomes homeless. Through strange occurrences and a cell phone call, he is helped out of homelessness to a success story. Max is the miracle worker through a cell phone call.

If you have read it.... I'd like to hear who you think Max is. Please leave me a comment!!! This is a terrific book to read. It is mainly a Christian book with inspiration from the Bible. I LOVE THIS BOOK and you will too!


  1. Grateful for your book reviews. I have had both of these books, and if I still do ( in my inventory ) I will get them out. Thanks for your comments!!

  2. I haven't read it - it sounds like a good one though. I will have to add it to my list!

  3. Zoey Michelle, I think your Mom has it... at least I hope she has it still - after her move. Can you check it out for me? Did you get "Beyond this Moment" from Grandma... I found you a copy.
