
Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Wonderful Home Teachers

I have lived here in Idaho for a little over 10 years. During this time, I have had the same Home Teachers who come to my home every month for the past 10 years. Incredible, I know!! They have been such a blessing to me, a single mom and my children. They have always been there to be great role models from my boys. They have taken them to our ward Father's and Son camp outs. They have given father priesthood blessings each school year. They have given us priesthood blessings when we are sick. They are always there when I need it. For a home that doesn't have a father - it has been a huge blessing to have the blessing of the priesthood anytime I need it.

Brother Gale and Brady at a Father's and Son camp out. Brother Gale has 4 daughters which has made it fun for him to take my boys on the Fathers and Son camp outs.

Brother Gale, Brady and Brother Newby. Fantastic Home Teachers!

This year Brother Newby picked up Brady for the Priesthood meeting on Saturday night. They met Brother Gale there. After the meeting, Brother Gale takes my boys to Dairy Queen for a blizzard every time. They have always been so good to us! What wonderful men!

After the 2:00 session on Saturday, Jason and Sharon came over and barbecued stakes for us. He does such a great job barbecuing stakes .... much better then me. Anymore I always make him come and do the barbecuing for us. We had a really nice dinner before Brady left for the Priesthood session.

While Brady was gone, Sharon, Jason and I played Phase 10. We had a blast - it is our favorite game. Sharon won the game... It was close, but of course there has to be a winner.. yeah Sharon!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said about Home Teachers.. It can be said about Visiting teachers also...

    We are a board game playing family also.. ~ And watch out.. We are all cometitive... Not the best FHE activities.. LOL!
    I love phase 10 too!
