
Friday, October 24, 2008

Homemaking Meeting - Fangtastic!

Tuesday evening I was triple booked! I had a church homemaking meeting, Brady had a choir concert and we needed to get his seminary devotional ready. Usually I work every Tuesday night, I have one business that I clean in the evening and it just happens to be every Tuesday night.

There are lots of people in my ward who constantly put a guilt trip on me because I never go to homemaking meeting or other ward activities planned on Tuesday nights. It kind of makes me mad that they place guilt on me, when I am making a living for my family. I do the best I can for my family.... I am not there to please everyone - especially from people who have no idea what it takes to raise a family on your own as a single mom... (sorry to go off there). Due to all the guilt ... I decided to change my evening job to Monday night so that I could go to homemaking and other ward activities that seem to always be on Tuesday nights. Now, we will have to have family home evening on a different night then Monday night. Hmmmm

I signed up to make a "tile" with a comment from Pres. Monson. They also had a turkey dinner planned and I signed up to take a vegetable (the recipe is already posted).

Monday night, Brady came home from school and told me that he had a choir concert on Tuesday night. What?? I couldn't believe it -- it wasn't on my calendar which is very unusual for me... Plus he had his seminary devotional on Wednesday. Of course things didn't work out for the one Homemaking meeting I was going to attend.... My priority will always be my children ... of course I was going to attend the choir concert.

Since I cleaned my business customer on Monday night I had Tuesday open to get everything done. Tuesday I had 2 houses to clean, came home and made the cookie dough and put in the fridge, put together the tic tac pumpkin poop, picked up Brady from cross country, then baked the sugar cookies and the vegetable dish for home making.

6:15 PM we left to take the vegetable dish to the church and let them know I couldn't come, but would try to stop by after the concert. When I got there, they had several table displays up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I had my camera and took some real quick pictures. Here they are and they are amazing. One of the sisters in my ward owns a floral store called Petals and Stems and she designed the tables for us.

The Halloween table. They had dry ice under the gourds and small pumpkins - putting a dusting of spooky smoke on the table which you can't really see. The napkin was made into a ghost which was a very clever idea! Here is a close up:

Here is the Thanksgiving or harvest table. I didn't take a close up on this one.
Here is the sparkly Christmas table. It was much prettier then what my pictures show. I was in a hurry to get to the concert and just took a couple of real quick pictures:

She put gold thread over the arrangements and table to make it look sparkly. It really was beautiful - better in person them these pictures show.

I loved how she hung crystal snow flakes from this arrangement. It was very elegant!

We had a great time at the concert and I'll blog that later. When we made it back the meeting was almost over. I did pick up my project to finished at home. I've never done a tile with a saying on it. It was pretty easy, but I think I could have lined it up a bit better.

After the choir and stopping by the church - I still had to frost all of the cookies for Brady's devotional. I also had to clean up the kitchen before bed - It was a non-stop day. I'm glad it's over.


  1. Sounds like a busy day! Those table are amazing! How fun!

    To post about the award I gave you, you can copy the award to use on your blog, then post 6 things you value and 6 things you do not value, then pass it on to 6 of your bloggy buddies!

  2. Your day sounds like all of mine this week. Honestly, I don't feel like I have slept or eaten.. It's kind of been a fog...

    Being the Enrichment counselor in our ward,I know the type of work that goes into doing the activities for the sisters, and sometimes I wish everyone had the opportunity to do this calling, so they could see the work that goes into it.. HOWEVER.. Noone..I repeat.. Noone should ever guilt you into coming. We all have our weight and load to carry, and these activities should only be there on the side for you to help ENRICH your life, not add to the chaos. I am sorry you felt guilted into going..

    I love the tables. This is my cup of tea. ~ And I so agree with you on the pictures not doing justice. Everytime I take a picture of something in my house to put on my blog, I think " Does it look like that?? " But things always just seem to look nicer when they are in person... They do look lovely.. I especially love the candlesticks..
    Glad you made it, I think you should change your blog name to "Supermom!" I have high respect for single mothers... I hope your boys appreciate all you do for them.
    Hopefully you'll get a day of rest tommorow. ♥ ~Ann

  3. Dang! I miss the Greenhill Ward! Lets just say, the RS here is nothing like the one back in Meridian. As for ward activities and comments, just ignore them :-) You know what is best for your situation and family.
