
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Home "Where our Story Begins"

While I was watching "Scrapbook memories" on PBS, they discussed how we needed to take pictures of our home. "It's where our story begins". Most of our memories are not on vacation, it is our everyday life - where we live. I know when I look at older pictures, I like to see what our home looked like when I was growing up and unfortunately there aren't many. I also like to see the places I have lived since I have been on my own. In light of that, here are pictures of my little home.

I also change decorations every holiday and needed to get these pictures taken before I change it for Halloween, Thanks Giving and Christmas. It will be months until it is normal again. It is actually very hard to get everything to fit into the picture. I did the best I could. I know I left out some areas, but as I post each holiday it will all get in sooner or later.

Living Room

Boy, I can't believe how dark the rock looks in this photo. Is it lighting???.... or do I need to get a bottle of Clorox and a scrub brush and get after it... I think that will be my project on Monday - Yikes! I really haven't seen that until this picture. Maybe I need to take photos more often to get a different perspective.

Off the living room is a cove (a real little room) which probably should be an office. You can see the opening here.

I use this little room as my TV room. It is really cozy and has only 2 lazy boy recliners in it. Two book shelves stocked with videos, DVD's, books, with all game accessories. I also have all the blankets we lounge with. It is nice to have this room by itself with the mess of everyday living and not the first thing you notice as you walk in my home. I like having a living room where it is usually always clean when people come to visit. It helps me not stress and enjoy company - because it is clean.

Brady isn't liking all these pictures I am taking. Brady, Sharon and Jason (on the phone as usual). Poor Sharon on the floor (as we only have 2 chairs - we also use the chair in the living room by the opening to the TV room when we are all here). Small and cozy. I am sure if we have lots of people here to watch a movie - we'll move the TV to the formal living room - it just doesn't happen much.

Tons of videos and DVD's. This is Jason's TV (mine aren't that fancy). When he actually moves out - he will be taking it with him and we'll be back to my regular 26" TV's and not wide screen / flat screen. Oh, the toys you can buy when you live with Mom.

Dining room off of the kitchen (same room). I keep the computer and desk in the kitchen as we have been instructed to - in order to keep an eye on what our children are doing. My kitchen is where we usually are - the family congregates in the kitchen. It's were we play games - mostly Phase 10 (I love that game) also Life twists and turns (it's our favorite too). We're always in the kitchen.

Our home has 1 and 1/2 bathrooms. This is the main one on the main floor. The 1/2 bath is upstairs in Jason's room ( I don't have a picture yet - will add it when I check it out and make sure it's clean - and I didn't want to look today)

Shower / tub - nothing special. - Oh, and the laundry room is in the hallway directly opposite from this bathroom. I didn't take a picture - but will add later.

My bedroom.

Brady's bedroom.

Well, that is the main floor of my home. I'll have to add Jason's room and the 1/2 bathroom later. When Jason actually moves out - his room will become my scrapbook room (or something fun)... Which should happen in oh--- 5 months or so.
Oh, and the boring hallway... and stairs leading to Jason's room.


  1. Great photos! Some of my fave scrapbook pages to look back on are from the houses we have lived in. We moved alot getting Dr. Hubby through med school. I always went through and cleaned everything right before moving. Then I would take pics from every angle possible...great memories!

  2. You are so right! I never thought of it that way -- but I appreciate the insight!
    Home truly can -- and should be -- a refuge and place of peace! Thanks for your insights!

  3. I love that you posted your home!
    Besides the fact that I love to *peek* into how people decorate and such, I so wish I had pictures of the house I grew up in...
    Your house looks like you have made it such a nice refuge for your family. Very cosy.

    Your kitchen is so large! I adore all the space you have!!
    Thanks for sharing!!
