
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Book Review for the Bishop's Bride

Here is what the book says about "The Bishop's Bride"

Andrew McCammon, a widower, knows that he shouldn’t be nervous going in for an interview with the stake president. They are friends, after all, and have worked together closely over the past few years. But something is still niggling at the back of his mind . . . In one sentence, his stake president deals Andrew two of the biggest shocks of his life: First, he is called to be the new bishop of his ward. The second is even more alarming—he has three weeks to meet a woman, fall in love, and get engaged. What follows is a sweet, hilarious, and thoroughly enjoyable story of one man’s faith and obedience, intertwined with a series of delightfully bizarre events that guide the right woman to him.

What I think about the book:
Well.... I didn't like it (sorry). I feel really bad about writing a bad review. The reason I read LDS novels is to be inspired and entertained. For me, this book was really hard to follow as it had so much going on. I hated the Relief Society President, Gina.... I would feel sorry for any person in a ward like this with no charity. I felt everyone was very selfish and not helping the one person in need. All they did was demand this person in need to continue to provide service for everyone when she was going through a personal tragedy. I didn't like the pressure going on and the demand to get married and in the end it really happened within three weeks - no matter the personal tragedy Jeanette went through.. I just couldn't relate and there really wasn't any romance - just a bunch of demands on this poor girl - who really did marry Andrew.

As I thought about how selfish the people were, I didn't have a good feeling. I really believe LDS people are more loving and giving then portrayed in this book (at least I hope so). This book could have been so much more entertaining... It was a great concept, but put together really bad. Sorry to give a bad review. I wouldn't waste my time reading it.


  1. Hey Sondra! Glad that you found my blog so I could find yours! You need to come and see me and my house! Whenever you get a free minute- give me a call.

  2. Don't apologize for the review.. It actually helps us all out. I am grateful when I hear about books, so I don't waste my time on them.. If you only did good reviews, then we would end up with some of these along the way, and read them.. I have loads of these LDS romance fiction novels from when I used to sell them, and I never will just pick one up, because there are so many lame ones out there not worth the time.. And time is precious!
    Thanks for the honest review!
