
Friday, October 17, 2008

Be involved! A great way to help keep TV moral standards!

For years I have been actively participating in an organization that is a watch dog in keeping moral standards on TV. I have felt a need to keep involved in trying to make a difference in the world. There are so many people out there who continue to push the bar and make an immoral world for our children to grow up in. Because there are so many people working hard to change the values on TV, I have felt it was my duty to do what I could do.

The question I had was what can I do? What should I do? Where to begin... Then I came across a great organization who does most of the work for me. They write reviews on good TV shows and movies that are family approved. When inappropriate things are shown on TV they tell us who to write letters to such as advertisers, our local government, and issuing a complaint with the agency that controls the ratings and moral content of TV.

It has been an easy way to be involved and actively helping keep the world safe and moral for my children and grandchildren to come. I hope each of you take a moment to sign up with this agency and participate in making a better world for our children to grow up in.

Here is the information from this wonderful organization. With Proposition 8 going on in California and what has happening across the world to lower our moral agency - we all need to band together and act now! ---

Television is the most influential mode of communication in America. But today, good, clean, entertaining television hardly exists -- programs are graphic and very little is left to the imagination.

The television network executives and the advertising community need to hear from YOU! They will continue airing and sponsoring offensive shows during prime time unless you talk back and take a stand on what is being beamed into your home.

That's why I suggest that you register to receive the PTC's e-alerts. In addition to responding to egregious television programs, you'll also receive timely movie, television and DVD reviews.
Let's put the power of television back in our hands!

Please visit to find out how you can help.To sign up for free PTC e-alerts go to

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