
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Woo Hoo!! I am stoked!!! Last night while we were attending back to school night, the choir teacher indicated that Wicked is coming to Portland and Salt Lake City.. I have been doing the happy dance all day - I am so excited to finally have an opportunity to see it. The tickets are not on sale yet, but I am going to keep watching to make sure I get tickets.
Tour Dates:
Portland Oregon - 3/4/09 through 4/5/09
Salt Lake City, Utah - 4/8/09 through 5/3/09
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! OH YEAH! I am really excited. I love the music and listen to it often. Of course I have been listening to it all day. I became addicted to Wicked during a stake talent show, "The Best of Show Biz".
They held auditions to participate and I made (forced) Brady to audition. He sang "Camelot" for the audition because he loves that musical/movie. Before the audition, our piano teacher worked with him (voice lessons) and played the piano for him as he sang. Anyway he was put in the cast for High School Musical.
The boys sang "Get'cha Head in the Game". Brady is #70 boy in the pictures below. They did the dance very similar to the actual dance in the movie.
The boys and girls sang "Stick to the Status Quo" Brady was part of the Jocks table. His back is toward the camera on this shot.
Then the whole High School Musical cast finished the show with " We're all in This Together" It was a very fun and Brady learned to love being in shows. All the practises and getting to know other kids from different wards in the stake was a great experience for the Youth that participated.
That whole show was wonderful. They had songs from "The Wizard of Oz" The kids were dressed up as the munchkins, the lolly pop kids, band members it was hilariously cute. From Wicked they sang "Defying Gravity" and "Popular". Music from "My Fair Lady", "Happy Feet" where the costumes were very cleverly made from garbage sacks for lots of penguin children, "The Prince of Egypt", and a Musical called "Glory" which I've never heard of . There were a bunch of men from the stake who sang this. I absolutely love men singers - it was awesome - such talent in our stake. They had 2 showing on 2 different nights. I went to both showings, but would have loved to see it over and over. I did purchase a DVD they recorded, but it wasn't good. The camera man didn't do a good job - no close ups and was way to far back to see anybody in the show and the music didn't sound good on the DVD. Too bad.
The best result from this experience is now Brady will audition for the musicals/shows in High Schools. I can't wait!
So long story short.... I am very excitedT There are no words to explain how happy I am to attend WICKED in 2009... Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of 'Wicked' before. We took Faith and Dawson to High School Musical at Stephens Performing Art Center. It was great. Is that something that my kids would like to, or just for adults???
