
Friday, September 12, 2008

Food Storage and debt freedom

My storage space is limited in my home. I have found a great place to store my food storage, it is in the cove under my stairs. I added shelves and have been getting my food storage slowly but surely. Here are pictures of my food storage now. I really am trying to get prepared!!

I have been carefully working on being debt free too. I have a plan and I think I can have all my bills paid (except my home) within 6 months. The blog "wanting what you have" has really been an inspiration to me. I love her saying, "Happiness is NOT having what you want, it is wanting what you have". I have put this saying on my fridge, however I am working on making a framed sign to put on my wall. I have a wonderful home, but with all the hoopla on TV about wonderful homes, it makes us believe we need to have the latest fashion in everything. I've decided that it is going to be much better to have no debt then all the latest home decorations and that is what I am working towards.
I also have been trying to be very domestic in my homemaking abilities. I have started getting up every morning and making a great breakfast for my son. It sure has made a difference and he LOVES it. I wish I had been doing this for years. But, it's better late then never. I am also trying to make dinner every night and freezing the leftovers. It is very difficult to cook for only 2 people and not have the same thing every night for a week. I have been freezing the left over meals and it seems to be a great solution for my family.

My food storage is really coming a long. I am very proud of all I have been able to accomplish!! I am working on a menu plan to make sure I am storing the right food for our family. I really have been trying to cook with my food storage to rotate it. In the past, I have wasted food because it is expired. I don't want to do that again, and waste my hard earned money. Several years ago, I went to the LDS cannery and canned several #10 cans full of sugar, flour, dried milk, oats and then I didn't use them and they started to taste like the can. I recently just threw it all away - what a waste. I have been purchasing plastic storage containers that will aid me in rotating and keeping these items fresh and protected from the elements and bugs.

The other thing I am working on is getting my home very organized. It is getting better, but I am sure it will be an on going thing to keep it tidy. I love the feeling of a clean organized home!

A very "homey" home is my goal. Where my home will be a haven from the rest of the world. I find that it is much better as I turn off the TV and keep "the world" problems out. I am feeling peace in my life. I love good music and love having it playing through the day. If I could go back to a simpler time of life - I would. Sometimes I feel like I'd love to be a pioneer woman. A time to stay home and take care of your family. I know it was hard work, but I am a very hard working woman anyway. But, I guess you always want what you don't know and what is out of reach. Maybe that is why I love the blog of "the pioneer woman". What a wonderful life on the ranch it sounds like she has - with her muscle ridden husband and 4 beautiful children. I wish things would have worked out better for me in the husband department and I always wanted to have a boat load of children. Life doesn't always give you what you dream, but I do have a very blessed life with 2 wonderful boys and a home of my very own!

1 comment:

  1. TOTALLY agree on the #10 cans -- I have a whole ton of those we canned when we first got married, but now I think, "What's the point? If I'm rotating my food storage -- cans are a total waste!"
