
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Brady's Cross Country Meets

The first cross country meet, Brady would not let me come. I think he was embarrassed and still trying to figure out the whole high school thing. He did NOT want his Mom tagging along. As hard as it was, I stayed home. After going to the 2nd meet, I was very sad I missed the first meet.

The reason I was ABLE to attend the 2nd meet was because I signed up to take pop cycles for the team. I bought dry ice from Walmart and 4 bags of 36 pop cycles from Winco. I put the dry ice in my cooler and tried to fit all 4 bags of pop cycles in, but I couldn't, only 3 bags would fit. I checked around the parking lot and found a family and gave them the extra bag. I should have only bought 2 bags because I still have a ton left over in my freezer. I also made chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal butterscotch cookies and took fruit roll ups from my food storage. The treats were great and the kids loved them!! What a beautiful day it was, not too hot, no wind, around 80 degrees - PERFECT. The meet was in Caldwell and I had to get a map off google to find it. Also it took quite a while to drive there. I drove during rush hour. There was a wreck on the freeway and it was backed up. I decided to take the back roads which was a bad idea because everyone was on the back roads too. It was very slow going. I finally found my way there and immediately found Brady and a group of his team mates running the route to know where they were going - they run 3 miles in cross country. In junior high they only run 1 1/2 miles.
There was a deejay playing music and it was just fun! With the music, several high school teams warming up, laughing, singing with the music it was a magical feeling. I watched Brady warm up with his team mates. The girls put blue and green hair spray paint in his hair and painted his face. Isn't he lovely?? So much fun! His time for 3 miles was 23 minutes and 10 seconds. He's great! At the end of the meet, the team with the coaches danced to the music. They were the only fun high school there and the deejay kept mentioning them. Their young coaches are very fun!

The meet this past weekend was up by
Coeur D'Alene. They left Friday morning at 5:40 am and stayed the weekend. The school provided the transportation, the dinner Friday and Fruit and Bagel breakfast Saturday morning. They stayed in the high school in the mat room with their sleeping bags. Brady said it was not fun because the lights were on a "Key" switch (they didn't have the key) and they had to sleep with the lights on - they were dimmed but on. Brady took our portable DVD player to watch movies on the bus and they watched some that night. The next morning the races started with the JV boys 8:30 am, JV Girls 9:00 am, Varsity boys 9:40 am and varsity girls 10:10. Brady being a Freshman is a JV runner. Then after the meet, the team went to the Silverwood Theme Park. He was (as he put it)"peer pressured" into riding the roller coaster - but he had fun and was glad he did it. They had to ride the roller coaster below three times to get a good picture by the camera during the ride. What expression!

They left Silverwood at around 7PM Saturday night and drove through the night and arrived at his high school 6:15 AM this morning. These are the pictures of Brady as he returned home. He is now passed out in bed and I can't get him to wake up. I made biscuits and gravy this morning. They were ready at 11:45 am and I tried to wake him up but he is dead to the world. Finally, it is now 12:30 noon and he got out of bed. Hmmmm I wonder if he will sleep tonight.. I just love high school and Brady participating in Cross Country!


  1. glad to see you have a blog! i love getting a "look" into other people's lives. hope this finds you well!
