
Monday, September 22, 2008

Brady's Race at the Bob Firman Invitational

Our Treasure Valley (Boise, Idaho area) hosted the Bob Firman Invitation this past Saturday. More than 100 teams from six states competed in three different divisions for high school girls and boys -- division I, division II and elite. I saw jerseys from Provo, Utah, Preston, Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID. There were lots that I didn't recognize - especially from 6 different states. Saturday morning brought heavy rain that drenched the course and lightning delayed the start of the meet for about 30 minutes. The sun emerged for the start of the elite division at 11:30 a.m., but the course as already a mess from earlier races. It was so muddy and slick. It was hard, but that's cross country.
People were falling on the course due to all of the slick mud. Mostly on the hills, where they eventually put down hay (as you can see) to give the runners traction.
These are all the boys from Brady's race - lots and lots. There were so many boys in his division, that they couldn't all run at the same time. They broke them up with schools from A - J first and K - Z next. 1000's of students. It was crazy. Brady's race started about 2PM.
Here is my runner now. I'm a proud mama..
After the race on a muddy 3.1 mile course at Eagle Island State Park. Brady's time was
22 minutes, 40 seconds. Not the best time he has had, but good due to the muddy track. I told him to do his best, but to watch his footing and try not to fall or break anything. I don't know if you can see the mud that flung up onto his legs during the race - but here is a close up.
You should have seen the kids who fell. It was very muddy. It was also very hard to get all of the mud off his shoes when we returned home.
They rinsed off in the Boise River "Pond" on Eagle Island. Saturday evening and on Sunday, he didn't feel well. I hope he is not getting sick from the weather and being in the pond. Yikes!
And if you want to see the cheer our team does before running - click on the video below. I'm not that great at taking videos, plus it's with my camera so the quality is so - so. However, it is really fun to see the spirit our team has. Our team is the only one who does anything fun like this. All the other teams just stare and I am sure "wish" they were part of this fun team too. I love our coaches. I absolutely love these fun meets, even if the weather is rainy and the course is muddy. I don't know if the kids love it. To me, it's just the fun of being young and involved in something you love. I hope he will always have fond memories of these days in his life.

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