
Saturday, September 20, 2008

1 Cord of Firewood

Friday I received the cord of wood I ordered for this year. I still had 2 rows of wood left from previous years and decided to only purchase 1 cord this year (picture shown of existing wood). The price is getting so high that I am almost to the point of using the furnace for my actual heat and burn a fire for "affect" instead of warmth. This year's price is $210 per cord of wood and since I don't own a truck I have to have it delivered for a fee of $30. One cord of delivered wood is $240, two cords would have been $460. Last year I purchased two cords for around $450 and it about killed me to actually pay it.
I checked Craig's list to see if the price Al charged for his wood was in line. It was in line with the firewood on Craig's list and I know that Al gives you a "true" cord of wood chopped nicely. I go with Al because he is honest and my years of experience have led me to trust him into doing business with him. This year Al has spoken to me more then all the previous years together. He told me he used to live in Pocatello and was helped build the dam - which failed (I can't remember the name of that dam - oh, I remember the Teton Dam). He hated living in Pocatello and we just chuckle that Mom actually moved back there with all the wind and colder winters. I love living in the Boise area for mild winters, less wind - but most of all because we have a Temple here.

Here comes my nicely stacked wood.

This is Al from Al's wood. Very nice man. Doesn't that look like great wood, split so nicely.

Here it comes - step away!

Almost done!

Lots of wood! Less then previous years, but lots of wood. Yes, there were a few flower casualties.
Brady helping to move the wood to our shed/garage.

This is my shed/garage. Last year I finally was able to put a car in the garage - but only my small work car. I'll have to show you my shed with the car in it during the tour of my home - coming soon.
It took us about 2 hours to move the wood. We turned up the music to Michael Ball (one of my favorite singers from Europe). That's the way to work - with music!


  1. I love you already!
    Glad you got your wood! What a blessing that must be!

    Glad you're on here. We have a lot in common!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    I don't know why the mormonmomswhoblog site is showing up as 2 months ago. Would you mind resubmitting it?

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Oh, I'm adding you to my blog list at Is that okay with you?

    Do you know of any other single-Mom bloggers?

  3. I had to show my husband your post. Yikes! We need to gather soon! We ran out in the spring, and out wood burning stove is our only source of heat in the basement! Thanks for the reminder!
