
Copyright © 2008 Happy Clean Living

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cross Country Team Recognition Night

Friday night our Cross Country Team had a dinner and recognition night for all the runners and their families. The team purchased chicken and all the kids brought potluck items that were suppose to be UNHEALTHY. Since the season was over, it was time for the runners to partake of the joys of unhealthy food. This was due to the fact that when they are training - it's only healthy food!

Freshmen were assigned to bring the drinks of course. We brought root beer and sprite. Sophomores brought salads. Juniors and Seniors brought desserts. There was a ton of food!

Here is Brady standing in the line for the buffet.

Hmmmm which piece of the chicken do I want?? Maybe a drum stick!

Look at all the yummy choices. There was lots of food and I waited until the last to fill my plate and there was still a ton of food (which is usually a shock at a potluck).

After all of our tummys were full, they showed a DVD of the season. It was great, so much fun and so many memories caught on DVD. It was even more fun because they made a DVD for each family!! Memories for a lifetime!!

Then each runner was recognized by our great coaches - Head coach Rusty, Asst Coach Bryce and Liz. The coaches are young and lots of fun for the kids. I loved that Coach Rusty put together a packet of each runners time during each meet and how they improved. It was fantastic!

Brady did not letter this year, but received a certificate. They gave out fun little gifts to each child who did not letter this year. Brady's fun little gift was silly putty and if you knew Brady you would know why. Brady is a hoot - he always is silly and keeps everyone laughing. When they started talking about the silly kid on the team - you could hear all the other runners say it's Brady.. We are a fun family - I hope he gets his light heartiness and silliness from me. That is truly the way to enjoy life. Brady has a very contagious laugh - in every class he has had through out the years it has been one thing that has always been commented about him (All teachers have really enjoyed Brady for this trait).

It was a great evening. I am very thankful for great coaches who give so much to lead and help these athletes! I am sure they don't make a bunch of money - and they spend a lot of extra time throughout the season sacrificing their life for these kids. I really appreciate them and all they have done for my son this year. It was a wonderful experience.
The party started at 7PM and I had made plans with Cherie and her friends to run to the theater for our Twilight tickets at 9PM. I was late getting to Cheries, but they waited for me. The reason we were all going Friday night was because as we were looking at our confirmation information from Fandango - we all were in different theaters. Some were in 3, others in 6 and I was in theater 8. Since this is a party, we all wanted to be in the same theater. The theater told us if we came down, they would change the tickets to all the same theater. When we arrived a manger told us there would not be a problem and we would all be in the same theater. He didn't change our tickets and I really hope there won't be a problem - it just won't be the same if we are not all together. However, we DID get our actual ticket and don't have to wait in line to get the ticket from the Fandango machine - yeah!!
I am really excited for the movie - only 4 more days!! It was one fun Friday night!!


Scrappy Girl said...

It does sound like a fun night! Brady is such a cutie...I think I say that every time you post about him..LOL! Different theaters would have made a party a little weird...LOL! Glad you got it straightened out!

CB said...

I have Luis the Asst. Managers guarantee that we will be in the same theater! That was so funny but totally a fun - pre-Twilight activity - hee hee.
I am so glad you and your son's GF will be coming with us:)


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